Reply To: Some thoughts


First I must say I'm quite impressed about this software, it has almost all I need and it is very likely that our company will buy this software.

A couple of thoughts and suggestions though that I hope you could take into consideration of future releases.

- The white background that is showning the actual usage space by the diagram is for me a bit irritating, I think this should be removed or possible to turn off in options.

- Some parts of the menu should also be moved to the option screen to make the real usful stuff easier to find. For example changing Language is nothing that you need to do often and should therefore be "hidden" in the option window. Also redering quality is something more sutable to be "hidden" in the option window.

- "Copy to image" and "Copy to metafile" feels more sutable to be located under the Edit menu.

- I often prefer the look of what you call Route relation for the arrows(Alt + R). This works very poorly if you enable this for your arrows and then start to move objects. Also, this should be possible to enable as default for arrows (at least later when they work).

- If you add a point to a line, how to you then remove it? I have not found a way to do this whitout removing the hole line an recreate it.

- I love the shortcut handlig for creating and modifying diagrams, awesome work!

Keep up the good work DuĊĦan!

Jesper 16 February 2012 5:24:29

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