Software Ideas Modeler Tutorials

Process Element - Modeling Actions in Flowchart

If you are looking for a flowchart action shape, you found it. It is called Process element and it stands out as the most used and versatile. Whether you are mapping out a simple procedure or a complex workflow, understanding the role and usage of the Process element is essential.

OPT (Optional) vs ALT (Alternative) in UML Sequence Diagram

In UML sequence diagrams, the OPT (Optional) and ALT (Alternative) fragments are two important constructs used to model different types of conditional behavior. While both are used to represent scenarios that may or may not occur based on certain conditions, they have distinct characteristics and use cases. This article will explore the differences between OPT and ALT fragments and when to use each.


Swimlanes are a valuable component in UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams, providing a visual way to group related activities and clarify responsibilities within a process. Find out what swimlanes are, how they are depicted, and the various functionalities associated with them in Software Ideas Modeler.

How to Create a UML Deployment Diagram

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a UML Deployment Diagram. Follow these steps to visualize the deployment architecture of your applications effectively. We will demonstrate the diagram creation using a web application example.

If-Then-Else using Alt Fragment in UML Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams are a powerful way to visualize the interactions between objects in a system over time. One key feature of sequence diagrams is the ability to model conditional logic using Alt fragments. This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating and using Alt fragments in sequence diagrams, including modeling if-then-else constructs and editing conditions.

Sequence Diagram Loop

When working with UML sequence diagrams, representing loops is essential to accurately model the repetitive behavior of software algorithms. This article will guide you through the process of using loop fragments in UML sequence diagrams, with a focus on the tools and methods available in Software Ideas Modeler.

How to Create a UML Class Diagram

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on creating a UML class diagram using Software Ideas Modeler. This tutorial will walk you through the process of building a comprehensive class diagram, including adding classes, attributes, operations, and defining relationships.

How to Create a UML Component Diagram

In this tutorial, we will explore how to create a UML component diagram for a smart home automation system. Component diagrams are a powerful way to visualize your system at a high level, focusing on modules and their interfaces. Follow along to learn the step-by-step process.

Software Diagrams

By utilizing the diverse software diagram types offered by Software Ideas Modeler, you can enhance the clarity and quality of your software documentation, ultimately leading to more robust and well-understood software solutions.

Time Estimation Diagram

A Time Estimation Diagram in Software Ideas Modeler is a powerful tool that allows you to visually estimate and manage the time required for various tasks within a project. It offers seven distinct levels of task time frames and the ability to assign uncertainty levels to each task. This guide will walk you through the steps to create and utilize a Time Estimation Diagram effectively.

UML Interface

In UML, an interface is a classifier that represents a contract within a system's design. An interface specifies a group of operations but does not implement them—this implementation is left to classes or other interfaces that realize or inherit from this interface.

Collapsing and Expanding Container Elements

Managing the visibility of complex diagrams is crucial, and the collapsible container elements feature is a powerful way to handle this. This tutorial will guide you through the process of collapsing and expanding container elements (such as UML packages) and discuss scenarios where this feature is particularly useful.

How to Create a Chen Entity-Relationship Diagram

This tutorial guides you through creating a Chen Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) for a simple Content Management System (CMS) using Software Ideas Modeler. You will learn not only the mechanics of drawing the ERD but also the theoretical underpinnings of using entities like weak entities, weak relationships, derived attributes, and more.

How to Copy Fields from One Class to Another using Clipboard

This tutorial will guide you through the steps to efficiently copy fields from one class to another within the same or different projects via the system clipboard.

How to Create a Screen Flow Diagram for a Smartphone App

Screen flow diagrams are an essential tool for visualizing the navigation paths users will take through your app. They help teams understand the user experience, identify potential roadblocks, and streamline the design process. Software Ideas Modeler offers a robust platform for creating these diagrams with precision and clarity. This article guides you through the process of creating a screen flow diagram.

How to Design Custom Diagrams with Software Ideas Modeler

The Software Ideas Modeler Ultimate edition's custom diagram feature offers unprecedented flexibility in diagram creation, allowing for tailor-made visualizations that fit your project's unique requirements. Explore this feature to enhance your productivity and creativity in diagramming tasks.

How to Paste Elements to a Specific Position in Diagram

One of its intuitive features is the ability to copy and paste diagram elements, which can greatly speed up the process of diagram creation. However, pasting elements precisely where you want them can sometimes be a bit tricky. This short tutorial will guide you through the steps to paste elements into a specific position within your diagram.

How to Create a UML Sequence Diagram

In the realm of software engineering and design, understanding how to effectively model interactions between system components is crucial. UML Sequence Diagrams are essential for visualizing how objects in a system interact over time. This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on creating a Sequence Diagram using Software Ideas Modeler, focusing on a practical example: an ATM transaction process.

Copying and Moving Attributes Between UML Classes

This comprehensive guide explains how to efficiently copy and move attributes between classes in Software Ideas Modeler. This capability allows you to duplicate specific attributes across multiple classes without the need for manual re-entry, thus streamlining the modeling process.

Asynchronous Processes using UML Activity Diagrams

In modern software development, understanding the intricacies of asynchronous processing is vital for designing systems that are efficient, responsive, and scalable. UML activity diagrams allow to visualize the workflow of asynchronous processes. These diagrams can help to trace the flow of control and data through various system components also in parallel executions.

Transform SQL Script into ER Diagram, Modify, and Generate Back to SQL

Transforming SQL scripts into Entity-Relationship (ER) diagrams and vice versa is a critical task for database designers and developers. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to converting SQL DDL scripts into ER diagrams, modifying these diagrams, and then generating updated SQL scripts using Software Ideas Modeler. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be well-equipped to visualize, adjust, and apply database designs with ease and precision.

Move Elements Between Diagrams

In this tutorial, we will explore the functionality of moving elements between diagrams. Understanding how to efficiently reorganize elements across diagrams is essential for maintaining a coherent and accessible project structure. This guide is designed to provide a clear, step-by-step walkthrough of the process, ensuring that users can enhance their diagramming workflow with ease.

Swap Diagram Elements

Rearranging elements within your diagrams doesn't have to be a time-consuming task involving manual adjustments and reconnections. With Software Ideas Modeler, the Swap Elements feature transforms this chore into a simple and quick operation. This guide will show you how to swap elements quickly and efficiently.

Bending Process Diagram

This tutorial has guided you through creating a Bending Process Diagram, from understanding its components to customizing its appearance. Software Ideas Modeler makes it easy to visualize complex processes, improving comprehension and communication across various applications.

How to Create an Activity Diagram: A Step-by-Step Guide

This step-by-step guide demonstrates creating an authentication process a UML activity diagram in Software Ideas Modeler. From initiating a project to detailing each step of the authentication process, the tutorial covers the essentials of diagramming an authentication workflow, catering to both successful entries and handling failures.

How to Create UML State Machine Diagram with Trigger Events

A step-by-step guide on creating a UML State Machine Diagram with Trigger Events in Software Ideas Modeler. This tutorial is designed to help you visualize the various states and transitions of an existing class.

Radial Diagram

Creating a radial diagram can be a visually impactful way to represent relationships, workflows, hierarchies, or various conceptual connections centering around a main idea. Find out more in this step-by-step tutorial on how to create a radial diagram in Software Ideas Modeler.

How to Create a Use Case Diagram: A Step-by-Step Guide

Use Case Diagrams are a critical component of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) that depict the interactions between users (actors) and systems to outline functional requirements. These diagrams serve as a bridge between stakeholders and developers, offering a clear, visual representation of system functionalities and user roles, thereby facilitating a deeper understanding of system behavior and requirements.

Feature Model Diagram

Feature Model Diagrams are a specialized type of diagram used in software development and engineering to visualize the features of a system and their relationships.

How to Effortlessly Add a New Step to Your Flowchart

Adding a new step to your flowchart doesn't have to be a complex or tedious task. With Software Ideas Modeler, you can effortlessly incorporate new elements into your diagrams, ensuring they remain clear, accurate, and up-to-date.

Mastering Connector Locks

Connector locks allow for precise control over how the start and end points of relationships, or connectors, behave in relation to the elements they're attached to.

Zoom Diagram

This tutorial will guide you through the various zoom options available in Software Ideas Modeler, ensuring you can efficiently manage your viewing preferences to suit your modeling needs.

Adjusting Relationship Routing in Entity-Relationship Diagrams

This tutorial will guide you through the process of adjusting the relationships in your ERD for better clarity and organization, specifically focusing on rerouting relationships for a cleaner diagram layout.

Advanced Diagramming

Software Ideas Modeler equips users with a robust set of advanced diagramming techniques, streamlining the creation and management of complex diagrams. Its range of features from layers and containers to custom styling and detailed documentation, makes it an indispensable tool for professionals seeking precision and efficiency in their visual representations.

How to Neatly Organize Sub- or Output Elements in Your Diagrams

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to transform disorganized diagrams into neatly organized structures. It covers essential steps from selecting and aligning elements to adjusting connectors for a clearer visual representation. Whether you're working with UML class diagrams, flowcharts, or any other types of diagrams, these practical tips will help you enhance the readability and aesthetic appeal of your work.

Top 10 Diagramming Tools in Software Ideas Modeler

Software Ideas Modeler stands out as a comprehensive diagramming toolset, supporting a wide array of diagram types and offering an array of tools to facilitate your work. But among these tools, which are the most useful and versatile? In this article, we delve into the top diagramming tools within Software Ideas Modeler and explore how they can assist you in creating effective and professional diagrams.

Creating and Managing Lookup Tables in ER Diagrams

This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on creating and managing lookup tables in our powerful tool for database diagramming. This guide will walk you through the process of enhancing an example database schema by adding and configuring a new lookup entity, ensuring effective data management and visualization within your diagrams.

Converting Conceptual Data Types to Database Specific Types

Converting conceptual data types to specific database types in Software Ideas Modeler is a straightforward process that significantly enhances the technical accuracy of your data models.

How to Create an Entity-Relationship Diagram

This straightforward tutorial takes you through the process of designing an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) using Software Ideas Modeler. Focused on building a real-world example relevant to an educational system, this guide covers the creation of key entities such as 'Student', 'Teacher', 'Class', 'Enrollment', and 'Department'. Each step, from adding entities and attributes to establishing various relationships, is explained in a clear, easy-to-follow manner.

Container Elements and Layouts

This tutorial is designed to help you effectively use the container elements (as UML Package) and explore the diverse range of container layouts available in the software. Although this guide is detailed and self-contained, you can also watch our accompanying video tutorial for more insights.

Block Connectors

In this article, we will explore the functionality and applications of Block Connectors in Software Ideas Modeler. Block Connectors are versatile tools that enable users to link any two elements within various types of diagrams. Whether you are working on flowcharts, UML diagrams, or any other graphical representation, understanding how to use Block Connectors will enhance your diagramming experience.

Convert Attributes to Properties or Generate Getter/Setter Methods

In this guide, we'll learn how to convert class attributes to properties, adjust their naming conventions, and set their visibility. We'll also explore how to create getter and setter methods for specific attributes. This skill is essential for organizing and refining your UML diagrams.

Linking Project Elements in Documentation

This tutorial explains a particularly useful feature: adding dynamic links to other elements within your project's documentation. This functionality is not only incredibly efficient but also ensures that your documentation remains interconnected and up-to-date.

How to Hide Constructors in UML Class Diagrams

This step-by-step guide shows you how to hide constructors in your UML class diagrams. We’ll be focusing on hiding all constructors from the class diagrams.

Using the Insert Element Feature

The "Insert Element" option is a versatile feature in Software Ideas Modeler, accessible through the toolbox. This tutorial explains how to use it in different contexts within the diagram editor.

Adjusting the Size of Rounded Corners

In Software Ideas Modeler, you have the flexibility to adjust the size of rounded corners for various shapes. The elements that can be adjusted in this manner include the Rounded Rectangle, Snipped Rectangle, and Inverted Rounded Rectangle.

Copy Layout from One Container to Another

This article guides you through a user-friendly process for duplicating container layouts, ensuring design consistency and saving time. Learn how to utilize the drag-and-drop feature to seamlessly transfer layout parameters like layout type, paddings and offsets from one container to another, enhancing your productivity in software development and UI/UX design.

Styling Diagrams - Save and Reuse Styles for Efficient Design

A tutorial on enhancing diagrams with sophisticated styling techniques using context bar and styling sidebars. These step-by-step instructions will help you create visually striking and professionally styled diagrams.

Add All Relationships By Model

In complex modeling, maintaining accuracy and efficiency is key. Software Ideas Modeler offers a robust feature Add All Relationships By Model, which automates the process of adding relationships to your diagrams. This tutorial will guide you through using this feature, especially useful when working with models that span multiple diagrams.

Efficient Nested Packages

Nested package diagrams are crucial for representing complex structures in a clear and organized manner. In this tutorial, we demonstrate the process of creating a package with uniformly sized nested packages, arranged in a table layout in Software Ideas Modeler. This method is ideal for maintaining clarity and consistency in large-scale models.

Dynamic Class Hierarchy Creation

Create and manage dynamic class hierarchies in Software Ideas Modeler. This brief tutorial guides you through the process of building a tree-structured class diagram, emphasizing automatic alignment during the editing process.

Diagram Layers in UI Wireframe Design

In this tutorial, we will explore the effective use of diagram layers when editing annotations of a user interface wireframe.

Generating Example Data for ERD Entities

Software Ideas Modeler offers a nifty feature to automatically generate example data for Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) entities. This is especially useful when you need placeholder data for presentations, testing, or early-stage development. The generated data respects the entity's defined attributes and their respective types, making the data realistic and applicable.

Configuring Connection to OpenAI API to Enable AI Features

With OpenAI API integration, you can now unleash the power of AI for various features, such as generating diagrams from text or creating example data for ERD entities. This tutorial will walk you through the process of setting up this connection.

Software Ideas Server Setup

Server provides support for user cooperation, global repository and tasks.

Pyramid Diagram

Pyramid diagrams are visual representations that use a triangular shape to depict a hierarchy, process steps, or conceptual information. They are often used in presentations, documents, or training materials to illustrate a progression, prioritize data, or show building blocks of a concept.

Overview Zoom

This tutorial will explain the Overview Zoom feature in Software Ideas Modeler, a convenient tool to adjust the visibility of your diagrams. This feature is particularly useful when the font size becomes unreadable at some zoom levels, ensuring that the names of elements remain visible.

Fit Text to Bounds

The tutorial describes how to work with the Fit Text to Bounds style property. This feature ensures that the text content fits within the defined bounds of a diagram element.

Timeline Diagram

A Timeline Diagram is a visual representation of events in chronological order. It's a simple line with regularly distributed event nodes. Using Software Ideas Modeler, creating and editing such diagrams is a breeze. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of creating a timeline diagram using the tool.

Nested Blocks Diagram

Nested Blocks Diagrams are integral for understanding the hierarchical and relational structure of different components or units within a system. This tutorial shows you how to use container blocks effectively, understanding their various parameters, and learning the best practices in creating Nested Blocks Diagrams.

Relationship Direction Visualization

Relationship direction visualization is a potent feature in Software Ideas Modeler that facilitates a clearer understanding of element relationships within diagrams. By using this feature, users can swiftly distinguish between incoming and outgoing relationships, thereby streamlining the analysis process.

Data Sources Sidebar

The Data Sources Sidebar in Software Ideas Modeler is a dedicated pane providing a user-friendly interface for managing data sources and their bindings within your project. It serves as a central hub where you can add, modify, and process data sources and establish connections between data sources and modeling elements in your projects.

Dynamic Data Definition

This tutorial aims to provide a detailed guide to create and manage dynamic data definitions using Software Ideas Modeler. This guide will walk you through adding data sources of various types and defining data binding, considering various specific fields based on data source types.

Convert Chen ER Diagram to Crow's Foot ERD

This tutorial will guide you on how to convert a Chen Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to a Crow's Foot ERD using Software Ideas Modeler. One of the key features of this process is that the original Chen ER Diagram is preserved and a new diagram in Crow's Foot notation is created. The Crow's Foot notation allows you to add more detailed information to your ER diagram, such as attribute types, which is not possible with the Chen notation.

Linking Diagram Elements to Documentation

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of adding links to your documentation within Software Ideas Modeler. By linking diagram elements to your documentation text, you create a seamless integration between the visual and written aspects of your project, making it easier for readers to understand and navigate. Moreover, when you update the name of a linked element in the diagram, the text in the documentation will automatically update as well, ensuring consistency across your project.

Documentation and Comments in Diagramming

Creating effective and comprehensive documentation is an essential aspect of software development. It enables developers, stakeholders, and users to understand the design and functionality of a system, and it can be a key component in effective communication and collaboration. One powerful tool for creating and maintaining software documentation is the use of diagrams.

Replace Diagram Element Model

The Replace Element Model feature enables users to replace the model of a selected element with another one from the same project. This tutorial will guide you through the process of using the Replace Element Model feature effectively. We will discuss various use cases and provide tips to ensure you get the most out of this feature.

Fork in Activity Diagram

One of the essential components of an activity diagram is the fork node. In this article, we will delve deeper into the concept of forks in UML activity diagrams, their usage, and their importance in representing concurrent flows in a system.

Principles of User Interface Design

This article provides tips and suggestions on designing a user interface that provides a great user experience. It discusses various aspects and principles of the design.

Designing for a Better User Experience: The Power of Progress Bars

In this article, we delve into the progress bars and how they can elevate the user experience in software design. From showcasing the progress of long-lasting processes to managing user expectations and reducing frustration, the strategic utilization of progress bars can be a great improvement to your UI design.

Requirements List

The Requirements List feature in Software Ideas Modeler offers an overview of all SysML requirement elements in a project. It provides a grid that lists all the requirements and allows you to edit columns such as Name, ID, and Text. This feature is designed to help you keep track of all your requirements in one place and make it easier to manage them.

7 Proven Tips to Define Requirements for Software Projects

In this tutorial, we share some expert tips and tricks for creating effective requirement lists using the requirement editor in Software Ideas Modeler. If you are looking for ways to streamline your requirement-gathering process and create well-structured, organized requirement lists, read further!

SysML Block Definition Diagram

A Block Definition Diagram in SysML is a diagram that is used to define the structure of a system by modeling the blocks that make up the system, their properties, and the relationships between them.

SysML Requirement Diagram

SysML Requirement diagrams are a tool for modeling and visualizing the requirements of a system or a project. By understanding the individual elements of the diagram, and how they can be used to create effective and informative diagrams, you can create accurate and useful requirement diagrams.

Tagged Values for Diagram Elements

Tagged values are a powerful tool in Software Ideas Modeler that allow you to add additional information to your diagrams. They can be used to store anything from design notes to detailed technical specifications. In this article, we will take a closer look at how you can use tagged values in Software Ideas Modeler to enhance your diagrams and make them more informative.

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

Learn how to effectively use the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Sheet feature in Software Ideas Modeler to identify potential failure modes and assess the associated risks. Discover tips and tricks for analyzing and mitigating those risks to improve the reliability of your systems.

Requirement Diagram

The Requirement diagram in Software Ideas Modeler is a powerful tool for capturing, organizing and visualizing the requirements for a software project. It allows users to create a hierarchical list of requirements in a tabular view, as well as a visual representation of the relationships between those requirements in a diagram.

Finite State Machine Diagram

Learn how to create and use Finite State Machine diagrams effectively. The diagram can be used for modeling simple automata as well as complex software systems. Understand the advantages and use cases of FSM diagrams and see a real-life example of how they can be applied.

Effortlessly Create and Connect Multiple Elements in Software Ideas Modeler

Learn how to use the Add Multiple and Connect Multiple features in Software Ideas Modeler to quickly and efficiently create multiple elements and establish relationships between them. Perfect for creating flowcharts, state diagrams, activity diagrams and during early stage of requirement capture.

External Project References

The external project references feature in Software Ideas Modeler allows you to easily add external elements from other projects into your current project. This can be useful for situations where you want to reuse elements from a previous project, or when working on a project with multiple team members and need to access and reference elements from other team member's projects.

Understanding the Similarities and Differences of Use Cases and User Stories

This article explores the parallels and disparities between the application of use cases and user stories in software development. Delve into the ways in which these methodologies are employed to grasp the user requirements and steer the development procedure, and how they can be combined to guarantee a better product outcome.

Designing a User Interface with Software Ideas Modeler in 6 Steps

Creating a clear and user-friendly interface is crucial for the success of any software application. One way to achieve this is by using wireframing and user experience (UX) design tools. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use Software Ideas Modeler to design a user interface.

DACI Matrix

Use a DACI matrix to facilitate effective team communication and decision-making within a project. This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for using the matrix to guide the decision-making process and explains how to create the matrix in Software Ideas Modeler.

JSD Entity Structure Diagram

A JSD Entity Structure Diagram is a visual representation of a system being developed using the Jackson System Development (JSD) methodology. It is used to model the entities, actions, and relationships within the system in order to understand and design the system effectively.

4 Reasons Why Diagrams Belong in Every Developer's Toolkit

Enhance your development projects with the use of diagrams. From planning and design to collaboration and presentation, these visual representations can improve every stage of your work. Improve communication and reduce misunderstandings with the power of diagrams.

The Art of Diagramming - How to Create Engaging and Effective Visuals

A good diagram can be a powerful tool for explaining complex ideas, illuminating patterns and relationships, and communicating information in a clear and concise way. But what makes a diagram truly great? In this article, we will explore the key elements of a good diagram and offer tips for improving your own diagramming skills, whether you are a beginner or a skilled creator.

14 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Flowcharts - and How to Fix Them

Don't let mistakes in your flowcharts hold you back! In this article, we'll go over the top 14 errors to avoid, such as using too many symbols or not including enough detail. We'll also show you how to fix each mistake, so you can create clear and effective flowcharts that will streamline your processes.

A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right UML Diagram Type Every Time

Confused about when to use which UML diagram type? Our comprehensive guide covers all 14 types of UML diagrams and their uses, so you can choose the right one every time. From use case diagrams to communication diagrams, we've got you covered. Learn the basics of UML and master the art of diagram selection with this must-read tutorial.

Communication Diagrams vs. Sequence Diagrams - Which to Use and Why

Learn the differences between UML communication diagrams and sequence diagrams, what they have in common, and when to use each one. Understand the purpose and focus of each diagram, and discover which one is best suited for your needs.

Use Case Diagram's Include and Extend Demystified

Learn the ins and outs of include and extend relationships in use case diagrams. This guide provides clear examples and explanations to help you master these concepts and effectively model the functionality of a system.

10 Expert Tips for Creating Flawless Flowcharts

In this comprehensive guide, we will impart 10 invaluable expert tips to help you elevate the quality of your flowcharts. With the incorporation of these recommendations, your flowcharts will embody excellence and effectively communicate your ideas to the intended audience.

How to Create a Mind Map in 5 Easy Steps

Mind mapping is a powerful tool that helps you organize and visualize your thoughts, ideas, and information in a clear and intuitive way. Follow our tutorial to create a mind map that reflects your thought process. Learn how to create a mind map in just 5 easy steps.

CRUD Matrix (Diagram)

A CRUD matrix is a table that outlines the different types of CRUD operations that can be performed on different types of data in a system. It can be used as a reference guide to help developers understand which operations are allowed or required for different types of data and to help them design and implement the data storage and retrieval systems in their applications.

Menu/Ribbon Items Customization

This tutorial provides instructions for modifying the menu and ribbon items in Software Ideas Modeler. The article covers topics such as adding and removing items from the menu or ribbon, rearranging the order of items, and creating custom menus and ribbons.

Computer Network Diagram

A computer network diagram is a visual representation of a computer or telecommunications network. It shows the components that make up the network and how they are connected.

Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) Diagram

HTA diagrams are a useful tool for representing and analyzing tasks and their relationships. The Diagram editor allows users easily create and customize HTA diagrams to their requirements.

CRC Card Diagram

CRC card diagrams are a simple and effective way to represent the structure and relationships of classes in an object-oriented design.

Diagram Auto Export

The Auto Export feature is a convenient way to automatically export diagrams to a variety of formats. Using the Options dialog, users can easily customize their export settings and ensure that their diagrams are always saved in the desired format. The feature saves time and effort and allows users to focus on their diagramming work.

Diagram Search

The diagram search feature helps you to find the text you are looking for in your diagrams.

UML Key Value Pair

The key-value pair structure can be modeled using the template parameters in Software Ideas Modeler.

SysML Block

SysML Block is an element type from the SysML Block Definition diagram. It may represent a system, subsystem, module, or part of a system. It is derived from the UML class element.

Class Diagram Generator

The class diagram generation is part of the reverse engineering feature in Software Ideas Modeler. It allows you to produce UML class diagrams from source codes in various programming languages.

Create Toolbox Group with Custom Tools

Software Ideas Modeler allows you to create custom toolbox groups with tools from various diagram types.

UML Base Class

UML diagrams support defining base classes for the more specific classes using generalizations. The name of the base class can be displayed inside the classifier box.

Generate Types from OpenAPI

This tutorial shows you how to generate types in various programming languages for a chosen Open API specification.

Convert Diagram into Image

A diagram is a visualization of a model part that consists of elements and relationships. In the project, it is stored as a graph of the model references. If you want to share your diagrams with others or include them in text documents, it is necessary to convert them into an image format.

Open API to Diagram

Open API specification (OAS) is a standard for RESTful web service definition. Software Ideas Modeler provides a reverse engineering tool that allows you to import the Open API specification and generate UML diagrams.

Show Inherited Attributes and Operations

A subclass in the UML class diagram is connected with its superclass using the generalization relationship. The subclass inherits all attributes and operations of the superclass, although they are listed only in the superclass box. This tutorial shows you how to show also the inherited fields in subclasses.

Show Association Attributes (in UML Class)

Apart from standard attributes defined within a UML class, the attributes of a UML class can also be expressed using the associations.

SQL DDL Parsing

SQL DDL scripts can be parsed and turned into ERD or UML class diagrams. The feature can be accessed quickly from the Parser sidebar or the Source Code Import dialog.

Size Label for UI Elements (Wireframing)

The Size Label is a useful element in user interface design. It allows you to show the size (in pixels) of the associated element.

UML JSON Schema Diagram

The UML JSON Schema diagram allows you to design JSON schemas visually. JSON schemas specify the restrictions on the data in JSON format.

Diagram Change Tracking

Changes in a diagram can be tracked and visually presented in the diagram editor. When change tracking is enabled in the project, the software can identify and highlight the changes for each model element.

How Do I Create a UML Diagram?

UML diagrams are a standard method for describing models and processes. The UML notation provides diagrams for static structure definition as well as for behavior and process modeling. In this tutorial, you will find out how to create UML diagrams.

User Interface Diagram to WPF XAML

Source code generation allows you to produce WPF XAML code from your user interface diagrams.

Mobile App Diagram (Wireframing)

Mobile App Diagram is a type of user interface diagram that allows you to design the views for your smartphone and tablet apps.

XSD to UML Diagram

XSD reverse engineering feature allows you to generate a UML diagram from XSD definition.

How to Generate Protocol Buffer Definition

This tutorial shows you how to generate a service definition in protocol buffer format from a UML class diagram.

Diagram Templates

Diagram templates allow you to start from a pre-defined diagram layout. You can just edit the names and add or remove desired details. This tutorial shows how to create a custom diagram template and how to add a new diagram from the template.

Model Versioning

Software Ideas Modeler supports creating multiple versions of the model. This way you can design the model changes for various project stages.

Diagram Generation

Software Ideas Modeler offers various options for diagram generation. The diagrams can be generated from the textual definition, database, source code, and the project itself.

Editing Project Documentation

Any project item (field, element, diagram, folder) can be described using the documentation in Software Ideas Modeler. The documentation can consist of multiple sections.

Edit Properties of Multiple Elements at Once

Software Ideas Modeler supports editing multiple elements at once. This short tutorial will show you how to do it.

How to Generate SQL DDL Change Scripts

Changes made in the data model can be transformed into the SQL DDL scripts. Software Ideas Modeler allows you to generate ALTER and DROP scripts for your changes in the data entities.

How to Make Decision Tree

The tutorial shows how to create a simple decision tree in the fastest way. The hierarchy generation tool helps you to make the tree from text definition with the desired layout.

Type Sets and Types

This tutorial shows how to work with type sets and types and how to set the default type set for your project and diagrams. It will teach you how to set create your own type sets.

Selection in Crowded Parts of Diagram

Sometimes it may be complicated to select an element you want, especially when there are nested structures or overlapping elements. It may be quite common in infographics and user interface diagrams.

Related Model Elements

Software Ideas Modeler maintains logical relationships between elements in the data model. Thanks to a well-defined model, the navigation to the related items (even in another diagram) is quick and straightforward.

Model Navigator

Model navigator is a useful tool that allows you to navigate through complex models, get overview of all related elements for the given element.

Navigation in UML Class Diagram

Complex diagrams and models can include many relationships and connectors. Software Ideas Modeler provides various tools and features that help you to navigate large models effectively.

Diagram Comparison in Projects

The tool allows you to compare two project files and identify their differences. You can compare open projects with other saved projects by various methods.

UML and Wireframes

Software Ideas Modeler allows you to combine UML diagrams with user interface diagrams and wireframes.

Container Layout Settings

The container layouts support additional settings that allow you to modify the placement of the nested elements.

Working with Containers in Diagram Editor

The container is a type of diagram element that can contain other nested elements (e.g. UML Package, UI Window, etc.). The article shows how to work with the containers, describes their capabilities, and explains various configuration options.

Documentation Generator

Software Ideas Modeler helps you with your project documentation. You can generate documentation for your software or data models.

Flowchart in Computer Programming

A flowchart can be used to depict the algorithms in computer programming. You can describe individual commands, conditions, loops, inputs, and outputs with visual symbols.

Object-Role Modeling (ORM)

Object-role modeling is a graphical notation for data and ontology modeling, especially useful in software engineering.

SVG Diagram Export

Software Ideas Modeler allows you to export diagrams to SVG format.

Aliases - Various Name Sets in Diagrams

Aliases allow using various sets of names in diagrams which is useful for the diagram translation to other languages or when we need different names for various groups of users (developers, managers, clients).

Web Page Diagram

The web page diagram is used for the web page structure design. It is a wireframing diagram type that depicts the layout of important parts. The set of web page diagrams allows you to describe the website architecture.

Use Case List

The list of use cases is available in the Use Cases module. It offers an overview table with all use cases defined in the project.

Tutorial Diagram

Software Ideas Modeler provides tools for the easy creation of app tutorials. The Tutorial diagram allows you to describe application screenshots and design visual instructions for your users.

Unique Key Representation in UML

A unique key of a class can be represented as an attribute with an ID modifier in the UML class diagram.

Composite Key (Entity-Relationship Diagram)

A composite key is a type of key that consists of two or more attributes.

Primary and Secondary Actors (Use Case Diagram)

Use case diagram specifies use cases and the actors that interact with the system within defined use cases. The actors can be primary or secondary, depending on their involvement.

One to One Relationship (Entity-Relationship Diagram)

The relationships in data models can be represented by various types of associations depending on which cardinality is required.

Chart Data

You can edit the chart data using the Properties dialog.

Pie Chart

A pie chart is a type of circular chart. The circle of the chart is split into several pieces (slices). A slice forms an angle that represents the share of the value on the total of all values displayed by the chart.

Optional Attribute (Entity-Relationship Diagram)

The ERD entity consists of required and optional attributes. An optional attribute do not need any value assigned.

Diagram Frame

The diagram frame surrounds all elements of the diagram and displays the diagram name in the caption in the top left corner.

UML to JSON Schema

The source code generation tool supports generating JSON schema from a UML class diagram.

One to Many Relationship (Entity-Relationship Diagram)

A relationship with one-to-many cardinality represents a link between two entities A and B, where one instance of the A entity refers to many instances of the B entity.

Mind Map (Diagram)

A mind map is a hierarchical type of diagram used for visual organization of information.

Foreign Key (Entity Relationship Diagram)

A foreign key specifies a link to another table via an attribute or a set of attributes.

Primary Key (Entity Relationship Diagram)

A primary key uniquely specifies a row of data specified by the entity.

Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a diagram type designed for project planning. It organizes tasks in rows and depicts their activity in the attached timeline.

UML Association Class

An association class provides more information to an association. If you need to add attributes or operations to an association, the UML association class is the right concept you should use.

UML Unique and Ordered Constraint

The multivalued attributes can be further specified using uniqueness and order modifiers. The modifiers are displayed in the braces {} after the attribute specification.

UML Xor Constraint

The XOR constraint relationship connects two elements that represent two exclusive alternatives - only one of them is actually used.

Inheritance Class Diagram

The classes in the model can inherit from other classes. The inheritance diagram shows the hierarchy of super and subclasses.

N-ary Association in UML

A N-ary association allows you to create an association between more than two classifiers.

Entity-Relationship Diagram Arrow Types

The entity-relationship diagram offers only one connector element - relationship, but it can be depicted with various combinations of caps on the ends depending on its cardinality.

Self-Association in UML Diagrams

A UML self-association is an association of a class with itself.

Override in UML

UML notation allows you to specify overridden properties and operations.

UML Class Diagram Association

UML association is a kind of connector in the class diagram which specifies how are the particular classes related to each other.

Organizational Chart

The best diagram for depicting hierarchies in companies is the Organizational Chart (Org Chart).

Multiple Diagrams in One with Diagram References

Software Ideas Modeler allows you to create an overview diagram with visual references to other diagrams in the project.

Reverse Engineering Source Code to Model and Diagrams

The Reverse Engineering tool helps you create new diagrams for the projects with existing source codes in no time. You can select the projects, folders, or files to generate UML class diagrams, package diagrams, and entity-relation diagrams. The tool allows you to create new diagrams or updated diagrams that were already created by a source code.

Software Engineering Diagrams

In software engineering, you can use various diagramming notations to describe and understand the designed solution from different perspectives. The diagrams can be used as a design tool and later as a part of the documentation.

UML Activity Diagram Loop

The loop in the activity or algorithm can be depicted in various ways using a UML Activity Diagram.

Mapping Definition

The mapping definition allows you to map elements and fields to other elements and fields. The definition consists of mapping rules that define relationships between elements and their fields.

Decision Model and Notation (DMN)

Decision Model and Notation (DMN) provides a solution for describing repeatable decisions within organizations.

Nested and Associated Diagrams

Software Ideas Modeler supports adding nested and associated diagrams to any diagram element.

Universal Process Notation (UPN)

Universal Process Notation (UPN) is diagramming notation for representing business processes.

Nassi-Shneiderman Diagram (NSD)

Nassi-Shneiderman diagram (NSD) is a graphical representation (structogram) for structured programs.

Petri Net

Petri net is a mathematical modeling language that allows you to describe distributed systems.

Various Caption Types of User Interface Diagram Elements

UI Diagram elements support various caption types. It may be regular text, schematic lines, or schematic waves depending on how many details you want to include or which schematic style you prefer.

Encompassing Container Creation

If you want to add some existing elements to a new container without changing their position, you can use the Create Parent Container feature.

Opening and Saving Projects

Software Ideas Modeler provides multiple options how to save and open your projects.

UML Abstract Class vs Interface

What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface? This tutorial shows you similarities and differences between these two object-oriented programming concepts.

C# Class, Interface, Enum and Other Concepts in UML

You can model your C# software in UML. The classes can be modeled using UML class diagrams. It is possible to depict abstract, static, generic classes and their members.

BPMN Diagram

A BPMN diagram offers a graphical representation for process modeling and describing. The processes are presented as flows of tasks, events, and process branches (realized by gateways), organized in swimlanes.

UML Enumeration (in UML Class Diagram)

An enum allows you to define an entity with a list of literals in the UML class diagram. UML Enumeration values can be used by class attributes.

Convert UML Class Diagram to ERD

UML class diagram and ER diagram share the ability to define a domain model. Software Ideas Modeler allows you to convert the classes to entities, associations to relationships and the class attributes to ERD attributes.

UML Arrows Explained - Know UML Relationship Types

UML diagrams use different types of arrows. Each arrow type represents another relationship. Sometimes the relationships are depicted in the same way, but they have a slightly different meaning. In that case, they can be annotated with a stereotype.

How to Make a Tree Diagram (Hierarchy Generation)

You can draw a tree diagram box by box or you can generate it from the text list. Software Ideas Modeler offers a handy solution which allows you to create a tree diagram very easily within seconds.

Useful Features of Diagram Editor

The diagram editor offers useful features that can help you during the diagram creation, save you mouse clicks and allows you to create the diagrams faster.

Event Tree Analysis (ETA)

An event tree analysis is a powerful analytical tool that allows you to analyze an event within a system with its possible consequences and probabilities of various outcomes.

Fault Tree Analysis Diagram (FTA)

FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) diagram is used to analyze and understand possible risks, especially in high-hazard industries. It is a top-down diagram that organized the events and lower-level events using Boolean logic operators.

What Is the Difference Between UML Aggregation and Composition?

An aggregation and a composition are both a type of association in UML diagrams. They are more specific versions of an association. An association connects two classes that need to communicate somehow. Both association and composition are kind of "has-a" relationships. Despite these similarities, there is a difference between aggregations and compositions.

Chen ER Diagram - Entity-Relationship Diagram in Chen Notation

Chen's notation of the entity-relationship diagram depicts data and domain models using entities, attributes, and relationships. Unlike other ER diagram notations, it shows attributes as standalone boxes, not as a part of entities.

JSON to UML - Generate Diagram from JSON

The UML reverse engineering tool allows you to transform JSON to a UML diagram. You can get UML from JSON very easily on just a few clicks.

Diagram Editor

The diagram editor is an essential part of the diagramming and modeling tool. It provides tools and capabilities for quick and easy diagram creation.

Generate SQL from ERD

The entity-relationship diagram can be turned into a SQL script. The ERD tool can generate create scripts for each entity and relationship in the diagram or only for the selected part. You can transform ERD entities into database tables very easily.

Create ERD from SQL Script

The ERD tool allows you to generate an ER diagram from a SQL database. It is also possible to create an ERD from a SQL DDL script. You can turn the whole schema into a diagram or you can select only some tables that you want to be imported.

Roadmap (Diagram)

Use the roadmap tool to create a good-looking roadmap that depicts a plan of a project, the planned stages for new features and modules. Roadmaps are used to present what a team or a company wants to release or develop in the upcoming period or later in the future.

Advanced Use Case Analysis

A use case analysis allows you to understand the functional user requirements on the modeled system. During the analysis, you will identify the actors and specify their interactions with the system using use cases. Use cases are detailed using a flow of events.

Code Generation - Turn Your Diagram to Code

Transform UML to code. Our code generator allows you to convert your diagrams to source code in various programming languages. Mostly, you will need to build codes and scripts for UML class diagrams or entity-relationship diagrams. However, you can also generate code from a UML state machine diagram or any other diagram type with custom-defined templates.

Diagram Element with Multi-Line Names

The long names of diagram elements may be broken into multiple lines. If the name is too long to be displayed within specified bounds, it is broken automatically.

How to Create a Diagram

Organize your model in diagrams. There are dozens of diagram types you can use. Each diagram type is good for specific purposes. You can create multiple diagrams in a project. A diagram should be named properly and placed in the project hierarchy.

How to Draw a Flowchart

A flowchart is a common type of diagram. It is easy to draw and even easier to read. Let's look at how to make a flowchart using Software Ideas Modeler.

Change Type Set for Entity-Relationship Diagram

The type set is set to UML by default. When creating data models using E-R diagrams you may want to use another type set - e.g. database-specific.

Set Primary Key to ERD Entity (ER Diagram Editing)

A primary key uniquely identifies a tuple/row of entity (data set, table). It may be an attribute or a set of attributes. Primary key attributes are marked with + symbol, alternatively with PK acronym or a key icon.

User Story Map (Diagram)

A user stories diagram is the easiest way how to capture and define user requirements. The user stories may be organized within hierarchies and periods (called sprints). The epics represent the top level of the user story hierarchy. The requirements are organized in the form of statements - As ... I can ... so that ...

Decision Matrix (Decision Table Diagram)

A decision matrix (or decision table) is the right choice, if you want to resolve possible outcomes of many combinations of conditions. It allows you to define conditions and possible actions. Then you define the rules which show what conditions lead to what actions.

Reversed Direction Setting for Connector Tool

Each connector tool has defined a default direction in which it is inserted into the diagram. You may change this setting using the context menu for the tool.

Show Wireframe in Web Browser Container

You may design a wireframe of your web application in a diagram and reference it in another diagram using the Web Browser element. The Web Browser container will emphasize the target environment - it will be clear that your wireframe represents a web application or a web page.

Add Constructor to UML Class

A constructor is a procedure called to create a class. This tutorial shows you how to add a constructor to a class in your UML diagram easily.

Working with Progress Bar (Infographic)

Infographic element Progress Bar shows a visual representation of progress. This tutorial shows you how to harness all its capabilities.

Screen Flow Diagram (Wireframing)

Screen Flow Diagram allows you to connect your wireframes into a flow with branches according to the user's interactions.

New Diagram By Selection

If you want to create a new diagram from a part of an existing diagram, you may copy the desired elements, add a new diagram and paste the elements into it. Or you may do it in just a click. This tutorial shows you how.

Project Hierarchy (Day 10)

The models and diagrams are organized in projects. A project contains all elements, relationships, documentation, diagrams, other specific parts, and their associated data, fields and styling settings.

Drag & Drop in Diagram Editor and User Interface (Day 9)

Drag and drop is a very useful and intuitive technique. Software Ideas Modeler supports drag&drop actions wherever it is possible.

Highlighting Relationships in Entity-Relationship Diagrams

The ERD tool provides many useful features to help you work with diagrams. One of them is the highlighting of the context parts in the diagram.

Editing Diagram and Model Element Properties (Day 8)

Each element is defined by its properties - id, name, style, owner, repository, associated diagrams, tagged values, documentation. and other element-specific properties. You may edit all of them using the Properties dialog and a lot of them in the Properties sidebar.

Delete Container Without Nested Elements

Containers are elements which may contain other elements. By default, if you delete a container its nested elements will be deleted together with it. However, Software Ideas Modeler offers an option how to delete a container without its nested content.

Delete Element with Relationships

Elements are usually connected with other elements in diagram using relationships. If you know that you will not need an element nor its connectors to other elements, you may delete them together.

Style Set Editor

Style Set Editor allows you to edit a style set, its styles, styling rules, and color palette. This tutorial shows you how to use the Style Set Editor to create a new style set or edit an existing one.

Styling Diagram Elements (Day 7)

Software Ideas Modeler offers plenty of styling options and settings. You may choose your colors and fonts, adjust the border width, the fill style, turn on shadows or gloss effects. An emulated handwriting style is also supported. It is possible to adjust the styles of individual elements. You may also extract these styles and reuse them.

Mastering Diagram Layout and Arrangement (Day 6)

A good layout makes a good diagram. Software Ideas Modeler provides a lot of tools that help you to create beautiful diagrams with a perfect layout.

Exporting Your Project and Diagrams for Others (Day 5)

The diagrams and models you created may be presented to the outside world in standard format files. You may print the diagrams, send projects via email or create the whole documentations.

Choosing Right Diagram Type (Day 4)

Software Ideas Modeler is a diagramming software which supports plenty of diagram types and standards. However, what diagram should be used in the given scenario? What diagram would be most useful for the specific task?

Basic Diagramming Operations (Day 3)

If you want to create models and diagrams, you need to handle the basic diagramming operation - selecting elements, renaming them, mastering the work with the clipboard to copy and paste the elements. It is also good to know how to delete the diagram elements properly.

Drawing Diagrams - How to Draw Diagrams (Day 2)

The key activity in Software Ideas Modeler you would like to master is diagramming. This tutorial shows how to grasp basic concepts and how easy it is to create diagrams.

First Steps with Software Ideas Modeler (Day 1)

This tutorial will show you how to start with Software Ideas Modeler, how to create a new project, save it and open the existing ones. It describes the main user interface layout and its components.

Navigate Other References

Elements may be used multiple times on diagrams. Multiple instances are also allowed on a single diagram. You may navigate the element references with a few clicks.

Show Element Details in a Diagram

Some elements have additional details which are not represented visually in diagrams. However, there is an element which allows you to display the hidden information. It is called Element Details.

Copy Style to Another Element

You may copy the style of an element to another element very easily.

How to Create Multi-Color Gradient Fill

The fill of an element does not have to be solid. You may use a gradient fill. Fill with two colors is used by default. However, you can add other colors to the gradient fill if you want. Software Ideas Modeler supports gradients with up to 10 colors.

Diagramming with Grid

If you want to make your diagrams aligned and sleek, you may try diagramming with the grid turned on.

5 Useful Selection Actions

Software Ideas Modeler offers several options how to work with the selection effectively.

Chart Types - Visualize Your Data Sets

Infographic diagrams can contain various data charts. They allow you to visualize your data sets. The individual charts have a lot of configuration options.

Split a Relationship with an Element

You may place a new element on a relationship. It will cause splitting the relationship into two parts which will be connected to the original start and end element on one side and to the new element on the other side.

Object as a Default Value (UML Diagramming)

Apart from literal values, you can set an instance as a default value of an attribute.

Set Enumeration Item as Default Value of Attribute

Enumeration items can be set as default values of attributes. After setting an enumeration item as a default value, it will be referenced - so if the item will be renamed, the changed name will be used for all references of the item.

Edit Visibility For Multiple Attributes/Operations

You do not need to change visibility of the class attributes (or operations) one by one. You may select multiple attributes (or operations) and then perform the desired action.

Turn SQL Script to Diagram

Using Smart Parser sidebar, you may easily convert SQL scripts to entity relationship diagrams.

Adding Attributes by Association Roles

If you have two classes connected by association you may want to add attributes representing the association roles. This tutorial shows how to do it in just a click.

Set Attribute Type Using Drag & Drop

There are many options how to set attribute type. You may type it, set it in the Properties dialog or drag another element from your project and set it as the type. The last option is described in this tutorial.

Software Ideas Server Management

Software Ideas Server Management is a tool for managing and setting the Software Ideas Server. Software Ideas Server provides online corporation features. The Management application allows you to set user accounts, browse and edit the repository, view logs, locks and messages.

Show or Hide Element Parts

The displayed element parts can be customized. You can show or hide various parts without changing the underlying model.

Insert Elements on Single Click

You can add several elements to your diagram very easily on single click.

Container Layout - Flow Layout

Flow layout arranges the nested elements into rows from left to right, the rows are placed from top to bottom.

Label Connectors

If it is uncertain which label belongs to which relationship you can utilize the label connectors in your diagram.

Software Ideas Server Setup

Server provides support for user cooperation, global repository and tasks.

Auto-Size of Diagram Element

A selected element can be resized automatically by double clicking on one of its grips. There is also a lot of auto-sizing options.

Navigating in Fields using Keys

When editing an element with fields (e.g. class) in a diagram you do not need to use mouse - the navigation between fields (e.g. attributes and operations) can be managed only using keys.

Remove All Field Styles

Each field (attribute, operation, etc.) can be styled to its own style - you can change its text color, background, border and other style attributes. However what to do if you want remove all these styles and restore the default unstyled appearance.

Container Layout - Stack Layout

There is several types of container layout which provides layout rules for nested element in a container.

Escape Key Usage

Discover the multifaceted utility of the Escape (ESC) key in Software Ideas Modeler. This guide will walk you through various scenarios where the ESC key enhances your workflow efficiency.

Element Snapping in User Interface Diagram

Some elements can be snapped automatically to borders of other elements. It is useful if you want to add a toolbar, scrollbar or menu to a window.

Add Related Elements to Another Diagram

Each element has its model which defines its properties and all its relationships with other elements in the project. If you reuse an element in another diagram you may want to add also other related elements. The easiest way is to use 'Add Related Elements' feature.

Include Label to Main Bounds

Labels of labeled elements can be freely moved around the element box. Relationships points to the main shape of element. If you want to change this default behaviour and include the label into the main bounds you can use the feature "Include Label to Main Bounds".

Quick Action Box

Quick Action Box helps with many things - it searches elements, diagrams, performs actions and opens files.

Adjusting Label Position

It is possible to move the label of a labeled element (element with a separate label) to any position you want but you can also choose from one of 4 predefined positions.

Identification of Existing Name

You can name several elements in your project with the same name but sometimes it may not be what you want. Software Ideas Modeler warns you if you use one name twice.

Shaping Operations

The shapes (without model) can be combined together in various ways.

Diagram Description

Diagram Description is a tabular element type which provides basic information about the diagram which it is placed in.

Ribbon or Classic Menu

Do you prefer the ribbon interface or the classic menu? Software Ideas Modeler offers both. And moreover, there's nothing easier than switching between them.

Insert Relationships Using Smart Connector

Smart connector makes adding relationships between diagram elements quick and easy.

Auto Set Types (Entity Relationship Diagram)

Auto Set Types feature helps to set types to attributes in E-R diagrams. If you have entities with untyped attributes you can try to use this automated feature and let the program figure out what could be the appropriate types.

New Diagram

There is several ways how to add a new diagram to a project.

UML Abstract Class Explained

An abstract class in UML is a class that cannot be instantiated. It contains abstract operations (operations without body) whose behavior is defined in subclasses. This tutorial shows you how to set abstract modifiers to classes, attributes, and operations.

Glossary Management - Project Glossary and Partial Glossaries

Software Ideas Modeler provides a robust toolset to define and manage crucial terms within your project. The glossary function ensures that all stakeholders have a common understanding of specific terms, abbreviations, and aliases.

Database Reverse Engineering

It is often needed to edit an existing database, extend its design, add new tables, or edit the existing ones. Software Ideas Modeler offers a tool for importing a data model from the database.

Adjusting View - Panning and Zooming

Software Ideas Modeler offers several options how to adjust the current view on a diagram.

Custom Diagrams

If you need a special diagram type, which is not present in Software Ideas Modeler, you can create it using Custom Diagram feature.

Working with Tabs

Software Ideas Modeler offers many options how to work with tabs.

Profile Diagram (UML)

UML Profile Diagram describes and defines extensions to UML language. The extension mechanism allows you to adjust the language to a specific domain or platform. The extensions are defined via stereotypes.

Timing Diagram (UML)

UML timing diagram is focused mainly on time, it shows the changes of classifiers in time depicted on a timeline. The timelines are stacked vertically, the time increases from left to right.

Interaction Overview Diagram (UML)

UML Interaction Overview Diagram provides a high-level view on interactions in a system or a subsystem. It depicts the flow in similar way as an activity diagram, but instead of action nodes it uses other interaction diagrams and interaction references.

Composite Structure Diagram (UML)

A composite structure diagram shows the internal structure of a classifier, its parts and ports via which it communicates with the environment. It models collaborations where each element has its defined role.

Deployment Diagram (UML)

UML Deployment Diagram depicts deployment of artifacts on nodes. It is used for showing the placements of artifacts (software, system, module, etc.) on physical nodes (hardware, server, database, etc.) and the relationships between particular parts of the solution.

Component Diagram (UML)

A component diagram offers a view on a complex system. It depicts the interfaces provided and/or required by the parts of the system and the relationships between the parts. The parts are represented by components and other artifacts.

Package Diagram (UML)

A UML package diagram shows dependencies between the packages in the model. It depicts the structure and organization of project in the large scale.

Object Diagram (UML)

An object diagram is a structural UML diagram. It describes a system or its part at a specific time. It models instances, their values and relationships. It may be used to show examples of data structures.

State Machine Diagram (UML)

A state machine diagram describes states of en entity (device, process, program, software, module, etc.) and transitions between the states. Conditions specifies when a transition from a state to another state may be used.

Communication Diagram (UML)

A UML communication diagram shows interactions in the form of messages between objects and parts, which are represented by lifelines. Communication Diagram is a modified form of UML Sequence Diagram, but unlike it, its elements do not have to be ordered horizontally and may have any position in the diagram.

Activity Diagram (UML)

An activity diagram is a behavior diagram that shows a scenario using a flow of actions. It models a sequence of actions, decisions based on conditions, concurrent branches and various cycles.

Sequence Diagram (UML)

A sequence diagram models communication among objects in sequential order. It shows objects, classes, and actors involved in the scenario and exact order of messages. It consists of vertical lines which belong to lifelines and horizontal lines of messages.

Use Case Diagram (UML)

A use case diagram consists of use cases, actors and relationships among them. It presents a user interaction with the system, and defines the specifications of use cases.

Class Diagram (UML)

A class diagram is a static diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing its classes with their attributes and operations and the relationships among objects. This tutorial explains how you can draw UML class diagrams and what usage they have.

Filter in Diagrams

Sometimes you may want to focus only on some parts of your diagram and suppress everything else. Filters allow you to fulfill this task.

One Element in Multiple Diagrams

This tutorial shows how to use one element in multiple diagrams.

Source Code Template Editor

Source Code Template Editor is a tool, which allows you to easily create your own source code templates. Software Ideas Modeler can generate a source code based on diagrams and models by these templates.

Element Browser

Element Browser shows the list of all elements present in the project. It shows also the elements which are not used on any diagram.

How to Change Style

There are several options how to change the style of elements in a diagram.

Styling Options

Software Ideas Modeler offers rich styling options. You can adjust the appearance of the background, borders and fonts. Also some effects are available which can made your diagrams more shiny. Each element in the diagram can be styled with a custom style.

Diagram Bounds and Style

How to set diagram size and its background. Difference between diagram editor setting and diagram style.

Selection in Diagram Editor and Project Tree

To effectively interact with elements you wish to manipulate, it's essential to utilize the Selection tool to identify and choose them. This tool enables you to select either a single element or multiple elements at once

Drawing Paths

Relationships between elements can be depict using paths. Software Ideas Modeler offers many options how to draw paths and connect elements.

Drawing Shapes

There are multiple ways how to draw a new shape (element), so you can choose your favorite one.

How to Use Alt Fragment

Alt is very a frequently used operator of fragment. It divides the fragment into partitions and for each one defines a condition (guard) which must be true for the executed partition.

How to Create Asynchronous Message

Asynchronous messages allow the caller to continue processing. It doesn’t have to wait for a response. Asynchronous calls are used in multithreaded applications and in message-oriented middleware.

How to Work with Layers in Diagram

The elements can be organized in layers that can be moved, hidden or otherwise restricted.

Associated diagrams and relationships between their elements

This tutorial shows how to create associate diagrams and define the relationship between two elements, which are defined in two different diagrams.

Batch Export of Diagrams

The Batch Export helps you save many diagrams effectively. You just set how the output should look like once as well as the output directory. You may leave the rest to the software. This tutorial will show you how to set the batch export and utilize all its options.

How to import classes from .NET assemblies

This tutorial shows how to access and use reverse engineering.

How to style multiple elements with the same style

This tutorial shows how to apply the same style to multiple elements.

Tips and Tricks

Collapsing and Expanding Container Elements

Managing the visibility of complex diagrams is crucial, and the collapsible container elements feature is a powerful way to handle this. This tutorial will guide you through the process of collapsing and expanding container elements (such as UML packages) and discuss scenarios where this feature is particularly useful.

How to Copy Fields from One Class to Another using Clipboard

This tutorial will guide you through the steps to efficiently copy fields from one class to another within the same or different projects via the system clipboard.

How to Paste Elements to a Specific Position in Diagram

One of its intuitive features is the ability to copy and paste diagram elements, which can greatly speed up the process of diagram creation. However, pasting elements precisely where you want them can sometimes be a bit tricky. This short tutorial will guide you through the steps to paste elements into a specific position within your diagram.

Copying and Moving Attributes Between UML Classes

This comprehensive guide explains how to efficiently copy and move attributes between classes in Software Ideas Modeler. This capability allows you to duplicate specific attributes across multiple classes without the need for manual re-entry, thus streamlining the modeling process.

Swap Diagram Elements

Rearranging elements within your diagrams doesn't have to be a time-consuming task involving manual adjustments and reconnections. With Software Ideas Modeler, the Swap Elements feature transforms this chore into a simple and quick operation. This guide will show you how to swap elements quickly and efficiently.

Adjusting Relationship Routing in Entity-Relationship Diagrams

This tutorial will guide you through the process of adjusting the relationships in your ERD for better clarity and organization, specifically focusing on rerouting relationships for a cleaner diagram layout.

Top 10 Diagramming Tools in Software Ideas Modeler

Software Ideas Modeler stands out as a comprehensive diagramming toolset, supporting a wide array of diagram types and offering an array of tools to facilitate your work. But among these tools, which are the most useful and versatile? In this article, we delve into the top diagramming tools within Software Ideas Modeler and explore how they can assist you in creating effective and professional diagrams.

Adjusting the Size of Rounded Corners

In Software Ideas Modeler, you have the flexibility to adjust the size of rounded corners for various shapes. The elements that can be adjusted in this manner include the Rounded Rectangle, Snipped Rectangle, and Inverted Rounded Rectangle.

Fit Text to Bounds

The tutorial describes how to work with the Fit Text to Bounds style property. This feature ensures that the text content fits within the defined bounds of a diagram element.

Relationship Direction Visualization

Relationship direction visualization is a potent feature in Software Ideas Modeler that facilitates a clearer understanding of element relationships within diagrams. By using this feature, users can swiftly distinguish between incoming and outgoing relationships, thereby streamlining the analysis process.

Replace Diagram Element Model

The Replace Element Model feature enables users to replace the model of a selected element with another one from the same project. This tutorial will guide you through the process of using the Replace Element Model feature effectively. We will discuss various use cases and provide tips to ensure you get the most out of this feature.

7 Proven Tips to Define Requirements for Software Projects

In this tutorial, we share some expert tips and tricks for creating effective requirement lists using the requirement editor in Software Ideas Modeler. If you are looking for ways to streamline your requirement-gathering process and create well-structured, organized requirement lists, read further!

Effortlessly Create and Connect Multiple Elements in Software Ideas Modeler

Learn how to use the Add Multiple and Connect Multiple features in Software Ideas Modeler to quickly and efficiently create multiple elements and establish relationships between them. Perfect for creating flowcharts, state diagrams, activity diagrams and during early stage of requirement capture.

Edit Properties of Multiple Elements at Once

Software Ideas Modeler supports editing multiple elements at once. This short tutorial will show you how to do it.

Selection in Crowded Parts of Diagram

Sometimes it may be complicated to select an element you want, especially when there are nested structures or overlapping elements. It may be quite common in infographics and user interface diagrams.

SVG Diagram Export

Software Ideas Modeler allows you to export diagrams to SVG format.

UML Xor Constraint

The XOR constraint relationship connects two elements that represent two exclusive alternatives - only one of them is actually used.

Various Caption Types of User Interface Diagram Elements

UI Diagram elements support various caption types. It may be regular text, schematic lines, or schematic waves depending on how many details you want to include or which schematic style you prefer.

Encompassing Container Creation

If you want to add some existing elements to a new container without changing their position, you can use the Create Parent Container feature.

Useful Features of Diagram Editor

The diagram editor offers useful features that can help you during the diagram creation, save you mouse clicks and allows you to create the diagrams faster.

Show Wireframe in Web Browser Container

You may design a wireframe of your web application in a diagram and reference it in another diagram using the Web Browser element. The Web Browser container will emphasize the target environment - it will be clear that your wireframe represents a web application or a web page.

Delete Container Without Nested Elements

Containers are elements which may contain other elements. By default, if you delete a container its nested elements will be deleted together with it. However, Software Ideas Modeler offers an option how to delete a container without its nested content.

Delete Element with Relationships

Elements are usually connected with other elements in diagram using relationships. If you know that you will not need an element nor its connectors to other elements, you may delete them together.

Object as a Default Value (UML Diagramming)

Apart from literal values, you can set an instance as a default value of an attribute.

Move all elements below/above some position up or down

Software Ideas Modeler includes a tool that allows you to move all elements below or above a specific position up or down. Similarly, you can move all elements to the left or right of a specific position left or right.

Place Use Cases Around an Actor

If there are many elements connected to an element, you may want to place them around this element. And why not in a circle?

Insert Multiple Elements of Same Kind to Diagram

Instruction how to create multiple elements at once.

How to Convert One Element to Another

Did you make a mistake or change your mind and want to change the type of an element in a diagram to another one? It's easy with this diagramming tool.

How to Change the Default Size of an Element

Are you looking to customize the default size of classes or other elements in your diagrams? This tutorial will guide you through the simple steps to adjust element sizes to your preferences in Software Ideas Modeler, ensuring your diagrams always start just the way you like them.

Implement Interface

This tip show you how to easily implement an interface in a class.

How to Connect Multiple Elements with One Element

Software Ideas Modeler allows you easily to connect multiple elements with another element.