Update Tab

Update tab allows to set the way how you want to handle new versions of Software Ideas Modeler.
Options - Update Tab
Options - Update Tab

Update Group

Turn off (1) - turns off any update notification and automatic installations.

Notify new version (2) - shows dialog with notification about new version, when it is released. Nothing is installed automatically.

Download automatically new full setup file and install (Windows only) (3) - if a new version is released, the setup file will be automatically downloaded and then installed. The bit version (32/64-bit) is automatically chosen by your current version of application.

Fast auto update - download and apply only changes (4) - if a new version is released, program automatically downloads a compressed package with changes and applies it on the current application.

Proxy Group

No proxy (5) - if you do not use any proxy, choose this option.

Default proxy (6) - if you use a proxy and you define it in your system, choose this option.

Custom proxy (7) - if you use a proxy for your internet connection, you should choose this option and set your host (8) and port (9).

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