Lecture Registration System (ERD)

This entity-relationship diagram example shows the data model of a lecture registration system.

ERD for Lecture Registration System

The entity-relationship diagram depicts the data model of a registration system for university lectures. The Lecture entity represents unique lectures that can provide information about the lecture name and description. Each lecture has a main Lecturer. The actual Lecturer may be different for a specific lecture defined using the Lecture Schedule entity. This entity specifies the date and time when is the actual lecture organized. The model provides the Lecture Registration entity that records which students are registered for the scheduled lectures.

The diagram includes these data entities:

  • Lecture
  • Lecture Schedule
  • Lecture Hall
  • Lecture Registration
  • Lecturer
  • Student
  • Subject

Diagram of Lecture Registration System Entities

University Lecture Registration System (ERD)
University Lecture Registration System (ERD)

Download ER Diagram for Lecture Registration System

University Lecture Registration System (ERD)

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