Generating Example Data for ERD Entities

Software Ideas Modeler offers a nifty feature to automatically generate example data for Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) entities. This is especially useful when you need placeholder data for presentations, testing, or early-stage development. The generated data respects the entity's defined attributes and their respective types, making the data realistic and applicable.

How to Generate Example Data

1. Open your ERD diagram: Open the ERD diagram containing the entity for which you wish to generate example data.

2. Access entity properties: Right-click on the desired entity to reveal the context menu. From this menu, choose the Properties option. This action will open a window that provides details and configurations specific to that entity.

3. Navigate to the Data tab: In the entity properties window, you'll find various tabs. Look for the Data tab and click on it.

4. Generate example data: Within the Data tab, you will notice a button labeled Generate Example Data. (It is placed on the right of the data grid.) Click on this button to initiate the data generation process.

5. Wait for the generation process: After clicking the button, the software will work on creating example data. This process is typically quick, but the duration can vary depending on the complexity and number of attributes in the entity.

6. Review the generated data: Once the generation finishes, you'll observe several rows of example data added to the data grid. This data will adhere to the entity definition, including attribute names and types. Each row provides a unique set of data that mimics potential real-world inputs.

7. Add more data if needed: If you require more example data rows, you can click the Generate Example Data button multiple times. Each click will add more rows to the data grid, allowing you to have a rich set of sample data.

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