Edit Menu

The edit menu allows to manipulate elements in the editor area.
Edit Menu


Shortcut keys: Ctrl + Z

Reverses your last editing action. The default number of steps you can undo is 500.


Shortcut keys: Ctrl + Y

Applies again the editing action, which has been recently reversed by the Undo command.


Shortcut keys: Ctrl + X

Removes the selected elements and places them in the clipboard.


Shortcut keys: Ctrl + C

Copies the selected elements in the clipboard.

Copy Special

Shortcut keys: -

This submenu Offers other special options of copying.

Copy Special / Copy as Bitmap

Shortcut keys: -

Copies the selected elements to clipboard as a bitmap.

Copy Special / Copy as Metafile

Shortcut keys: -

Copies the selected elements to clipboard as a metafile.


Shortcut keys: Ctrl + V

Places elements from clipboard in the current diagram.

Paste Special

Shortcut keys: -

This submenu Offers other special options of pasting.

Paste Special / Paste as Independent Copy

Shortcut keys: -

Inserts the elements from clipboard to the current diagram as indepedent copies which do not share their model with the original copied elements.

Paste Special / Paste as New Instance

Shortcut keys: -

Inserts the elements from clipboard to the current diagram as new instance of copied elements - they will share the model with the original copied elements. The changes on these copies will be automatically reflected on original elements.


Shortcut keys: Del

Deletes the selected elements from diagram and it deletes the elements with single occurence also from the project repository.

Delete Special

Shortcut keys: -

This submenu offers other special options of deleting.

Delete Special / Delete from Project

Shortcut keys: -

Deletes the selected elements from the project repository and from the all diagrams where they are used.

Delete Special / Delete from Diagram

Shortcut keys: -

Deletes the selected elements only from the current diagram, not from the project repository,

Delete Special / Delete with Relations

Shortcut keys: Ctrl + Del

Deletes the selected elements together with associated relations.

Delete Special / Delete without Nested Elements

Shortcut keys: Ctrl + Del

Deletes only the selected elements without any nested elements. E.g. if you select the package element with five classes and use this option, package will be deleted and the five nested classes will be preserved on the diagram.


Shortcut keys: -

This submenu offers various options of selection of multiple elements on a diagram.

Select / Select All

Shortcut keys: Ctrl + A

Selects all elements in the current diagram.

Select / Select All of Same Type

Shortcut keys: Ctrl + T

Selects all elements in the current diagram, which have the same type as an already selected element.

Select / Select Whole Graph

Shortcut keys: -

Selects all elements connected with a selected element.

Select / Invert Selection

Shortcut keys: -

Inverts the selection – deselects the selected elements and selects the elements which were not selected.

Restore Previous Selection

Shortcut keys: -

Restores previous selection. It's useful when you accidentally click on free space and unselect a lot of selected elements.


Shortcut keys: Ctrl + F

Shows the Find dialog, which allows you to search the occurrences of a text in the current project.


Shortcut keys: Ctrl + H

Shows the Replace dialog, which allows you to search and replace the occurrences of a text in the current project.

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