JSD Network Diagram

A JSD Network Diagram is a visual representation of the interactions between processes in a system using the Jackson System Development (JSD) methodology. It is used to model the functions and interactions of the system.

A JSD Network Diagram is a visual representation of the interactions between the processes in a system with the notation by the Jackson System Development (JSD) methodology. It is used to model the functions and interactions between the processes of the system and is sometimes referred to as a system specification diagram (SSD).

Diagram Elements

The available element types in Software Ideas Modeler for JSD Network Diagrams are:

  • Connection Start - represents the beginning of a connection between two elements. It is represented by a straight line.
  • Connection End - represents the end of a connection between two elements. It is represented by an arrowhead on a straight line, pointing towards the element it is connected to.
  • Process - represents a system function. It is represented by a rectangular shape. The name of the process should be written inside the rectangle.
  • State Vector - represents the state of an entity. This is typically used when one process needs to regularly check the state of another process, such as when a process is monitoring the status of a device or checking for updates. In this case, the process is reading the state vector information is the active process, as it is actively checking the state of the other entity. The State Vector element is represented by a diamond shape, with the name of the state written inside.
  • Data Stream - represents a flow of data between two entities, where one element actively sends the data to the other. This is typically used when one process needs to send information to another process in real-time, such as when user input is received and needs to be processed by the system. The Data Stream element is represented by a circle, with the name of the data written inside.
  • Controlled Data Stream - represents a controlled flow of data between two elements. It is represented by a circle with a vertical line inside on the left. The name of the data is written inside the circle.

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