can't load program after editing template files (#130)

I was looking at the templates and trying to understand the syntax (but not modifying the original) and then started getting this error when trying to duplicate a built in template:

System.ArgumentException: Ya se agregó un elemento con la misma clave.

en System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)

en System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)

en System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)

en SoftwareIdeasModeler.Core.Generation.SourceCode.SourceCodeTemplates.LoadTemplatesFrom(String path, Boolean isSystem)

en SoftwareIdeasModeler.Core.Generation.SourceCode.SourceCodeTemplates.Load()

en SoftwareIdeasModeler.MainForm.InitializeGenerationPanel()

en SoftwareIdeasModeler.MainForm.BindLayoutData()

en SoftwareIdeasModeler.MainForm.ApplyLocalization()

en SoftwareIdeasModeler.MainForm.Initialize()

en SoftwareIdeasModeler.Program.RunMainWindow(Form splash)

I closed the program and restarted my machine. Now when I try to load the program I get this same error. My computer is also in Spanish, the error states "You've already added an item with the same key."

17 December 2012 17:16:54
21 December 2012 8:45:08
Requested by
Eltimate (trial) 5.70
Windows 8 Enterprise N x64
Solved in

Dusan Rodina - 18 December 2012 0:08:19

I will fix this application crash in the next release. The problem was caused when you duplicated the whole directory (e.g. CSharp), you didn't modified Language.xml file. There is Language/Id node, which should be unique.

Anyway I will change the program behavior to not crash, when there are duplicates of language ID.

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