PlantUML Support (#1717)

One of the biggest issues with any UML software is interoperability. For example, in the graphics world, most photo editors will support the Photoshop file standard. The closest thing in the modelling world is the XMI format, but I can't think of a time when that's actually worked as a way of transferring models between applications.

PlantUML is fairly straight forward and easy to learn. It allows people to edit diagrams with only a text editor. However, it isn't particularly easy to author large diagrams in it - this is where the visual approach massively wins out.

It would be great if Software Ideas Modeler could support PlantUML for at least the following:

- Class diagrams

- (New version) Activity diagrams

- Use case diagrams

- Sequence diagrams

There will be a certain amount of layout information that's lost in the import and export, but the main ideas contained within the diagrams will still be there.

22 October 2022 14:30:26
Not Closed
Requested by
Scullonix Limited
Windows 11
Solved in
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