Unloadable file (#202)

Dear Dušan,

first of all: thanks for your great program!

A file created with some 5.80 version can no longer be opened in that version. Also, it cannot be opened in the current 5.84.4821.91. The exception is as follows:

System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.

at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)

at SoftwareIdeasModeler.Core.Projecting.Project.RegisterItem(AbstractDiagramItem item)

at SoftwareIdeasModeler.Core.Projecting.Model.AddItemToRepository(AbstractDiagramItem item)

at SoftwareIdeasModeler.Core.Projecting.Model.LoadItemsFromXElement(SimXmlReader reader, Model model, XElement root)

at SoftwareIdeasModeler.Core.Projecting.Model.FromXElement(SimXmlReader reader, Project project, XElement elem)

at SoftwareIdeasModeler.ProjectXml.SimXmlReader.LoadModels(XElement root)

at SoftwareIdeasModeler.ProjectXml.SimXmlReader.Load()

at SoftwareIdeasModeler.ProjectHelper.OpenProject(MainForm mainForm, String filename)

Unfortunately, sending the report fails, too.

I've worked quite some time on this, it grew to 370 kb and contains a number of class diagrams as well as flow diagrams, hard and soft (referencing) copies of classes and so on. Hence, I don't know the minimum requirements to reproduce this bug. Can you help me?

Thanks in advance and kind regards,

Malte Wunsch

4 April 2013 9:49:12
5 April 2013 0:33:18
Requested by
Malte Wunsch
5.84.4821.91 Professional
Windows XP SP3
Solved in

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 4 April 2013 9:52:17

You can send me the project file to softwareideas@softwareideas.net and I will analyze, what is the problem and send you the hot fix as soon as possible.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 4 April 2013 11:50:08

Please, try this hot fix: http://www.softwareideas.net/SoftwareIdeasModeler.5.84HotFix.zip

Malte Wunsch 4 April 2013 13:17:04

Hi Dušan,

the hotfix works fine: the file can be opened, manipulated, saved and reopened again.

Thank you so much for this very fast response!

Malte Wunsch

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 4 April 2013 14:26:44

You're welcome. I'm glad I helped you.

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