Cannot add ports on property enclosed in frame (SysML ibd diagram) (#311)

If I draw a frame surrounding some properties, any port element I drag to the property element automatically glues to the frame.

The only way to make the port stick to the property element is to first create the property outside the frame, add the port and finally drag the property into the frame. Not good...

13 September 2013 8:25:27
15 September 2013 22:21:14
Requested by
Tomas Sandkvist
Win 7 64-bit
Solved in

Tomas Sandkvist 13 September 2013 10:09:56

...and even worse, I just found that clicking on a port on a property AFTER I put in the frame will make the port JUMP to the frame!

So basically I cannot edit ibd:s at all for the moment if I alread have put a frame on them. SERIOUS ISSUE!

Tomas Sandkvist 13 September 2013 10:28:18

It appears as if this is related to some of the new Container settings. I've changed to 'When cursor is over container' and now it seems to work. However I cannot move ports back that was moved by SIM, I will have to add new ones.

Dusan Rodina - 13 September 2013 11:05:08

I will bring the fix as soon as possible.

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