Activity Diagram Frame for Parameter Nodes


I'm likely just missing something here, but I'm used to Activity Diagrams that have a Frame, with Parameter Nodes attached to the Frame (spanning the boundary). I noticed (during the trial) that this was an option in SYSML ACT diagrams. Where is this option for UML ACT diagrams?

Thanks a bunch. It's great software, by the way.

22 May 2015 17:41:21 Brad

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Dusan Rodina - 22 May 2015 18:07:21

The diagram frame is hidden by default. You can display it and configure it this way:

1. Click on menu Diagram/Diagram Properties...

2. On Style tab, check Show frame

3. You can configure the type of frame and parameters on Frame tab

Thank you for your positive evaluation!

Brad 22 May 2015 19:08:28


Nice! That was easy. I now have a frame with Parameters listed along with the diagram title. Is there some way I can have the Parameters show up as diagram elements (boxes on the frame border), such that I can wire flows to/from them?

Dusan Rodina - 23 May 2015 11:48:10


Unfortunately, it is not yet possible. However, I can add this option in one of next versions.

Dusan Rodina - 3 December 2015 7:15:15


It is possible now. Version 9.10 added this functionality.