Sequence Diagrams and Properties


Hi Dusan,

When a property gets created in an IBD (e.g c:condenser), should it be automatically linked to the lifeline in the sequence diagram that has the same name/class (c:condenser)?

22 October 2018 19:25:37 CEI

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Dusan Rodina - 24 October 2018 9:24:49


I think that the sequence diagram specification does not allow it. Property is a structural feature and lifeline represents a specific instance.

If you mean link to messages, it should be also not possible - the messages can link only operations.

I will think about it yet whether I did not missed anything.

CEI 24 October 2018 16:57:12


Hi Dusan,

It seems to me that a property in the IBD is the same as an instance in the sequence diagram. For example, if I have a property called "c" of the block type "Condenser", then when I create a life-line with an instance of "c::Condenser" in the sequence diagram, the two are the same and should be linked. Am I thinking about it wrong?


Dusan Rodina - 25 October 2018 15:56:57


Hi Ali,

I understand your intention. According UML/SysML specification there is no standard/definition for linking between property and lifeline (if I did not miss something). However, I think I could add the option to make a link between a property and a lifeline to SIM.