Which diagram type?


The diagram at https://www.simple-talk.com/iwritefor/articlefiles/1815-img33.jpg explains the syntax of the CREATE TABLE statement in Microsoft SQL Server 2012. The author calls it a railroad diagram.

I would like to draw such a diagram. The symbols in a Flowchart will work, but I do not see a way to make the flow connectors curve or even bend:



Is it possible?

9 June 2013 0:18:25 Test User

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Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 9 June 2013 1:49:39

Rounded lines as drawn on image are not yet supported. However, if you don't need these rounded corners, you can switch flow lines to rectangular style (Right click on flow line - from menu choose Line style and then Rectangular).

Or you can draw the desired path of flow this way: Select Flow tool, move mouse cursor to element, from which you want to start, press and hold the right mouse button, draw a custom path and release the button, when the path will be connected with the end element.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 11 June 2013 18:16:46

Rounded lines as on your picture are supported now (from version 6.20).

Test User 12 June 2013 5:13:46

RE: Which diagram type?

The round rectangular and curved lines look good, but I have great difficulty putting lines exactly where I want them. Sometimes I cannot even make the flow lines appear at all. Do you have a manual that explains how to use the software? I do not find it intuitive.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 12 June 2013 23:27:18

RE: RE: Which diagram type?

Manual is available here: http://www.softwareideas.net/SimUserGuide.pdf

I want to update it soon.

You can draw lines/relationships this way:

1. Move mouse cursor over the element, you want to start from.

2. Press left button and hold it.

3. Move cursor over the element, you want to connect with the first element.

4. Release button - relationship will be inserted.

If you don't start or end over an element, relationship will be not inserted.

When relationship is inserted, you can adjust its path.

I will prepare a detailed tutorial about this topic soon.