Version 5.11 with various improvements and improved stability

Release for this week includes 8 new features and improvements and fixes 17 found bugs.

New Features and Improvements

+ Added new class modifiers: Root, Leaf, Active
+ Improved Paste options form (based on [RQ#42])
+ Changed default action for paste to Paste as a copy
+ Added description for each option
+ Added an icon for each option
+ Added confirmation dialog for Delete from Project command (dialog displays all elements which will be deleted and in what diagrams they are placed) (based on [RQ#42])
+ Added option for output encoding (UTF-8, UTF-7, UTF-32, Unicode, Unicode Big Endian, ASCII) in setting dialog for source code generation (based on [RQ#38])
+ Added numbered lists in document editor
+ Added support for Select all in document editor
+ Added new source code template (With type hinting) for PHP [RQ#40]
+ Added delete confirmation before deleting document or document template

Fixed Bugs

* Added check for person ID, whether is filled and whether is not already used
* Fixed application crash when some element contains comment from undefined person
* Fixed application crash when no temp directory is created
* Fixed application crash when delete text of last attribute or operation in inline edit mode
* Fixed application crash when try to delete document and nothing is selected
* Fixed application crash at source code generating when a class has the name which is not allowed for file
* Fixed wrong behavior of delete and delete from project when more elements with the same model are used on the single diagram [RQ#42]
* Fixed incorrect binding of relations to elements with shared model, when multiple elements with the same shared model are used on the single diagram [RQ#42]
* Fixed some cases of incorrect rendering of selection in document editor
* Fixed renaming and deleting of documents in project tree
* Fixed All entities view in project tree (it showed only items from Project repository)
* Fixed loss of class attribute multiplicity when open again in Properties dialog [RQ#41]
* Fixed not working menu item Delete from Project for selected diagram element in project tree
* Fixed deleting of multiple elements from project tree
* Fixed printing of replaced command texts in document editor - now they are printed without blue background and borders
* Fixed tool unlocking in toolbox
* Changed text Cancel Bulleted List to None


Download Software Ideas Modeler 5.11 (ZIP package)
Download Software Ideas Modeler 5.11 (Setup)

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