Arrange Menu

The Arrange menu provides commands, which help to adjust the bounds and alignments of elements and the layout of the whole diagram.
Arrange Menu

Auto Layout

Shortcut keys: -

Shows submenu with predefined automatic layouts, which can be applied to the whole active diagram or to the selection depending on the selection is empty or not.

Auto Layout / Row Layout

Shortcut keys: -

Applies the row layout to the selected elements or to the whole active diagram, if the selection is empty. Elements are sequentially placed from left to right, from top to bottom so that the rows of elements are created.

Row layout example
Row layout example

Auto Layout / Column Layout

Shortcut keys: -
Version: 6.50 and higher

Applies the column layout to the selected elements or to the whole active diagram, if the selection is empty. Elements are sequentially placed from top to bottom, from left to right so that the columns of elements are created.

Auto Layout / Circle Layout

Shortcut keys: -

Applies the circle layout to the selected elements or to the whole active diagram, if the selection is empty. Elements are sequentially placed on the circumference of a circle.

Circle layout example
Circle layout example

Auto Layout / Cascade Layout

Shortcut keys: -

Applies the cascade layout to the selected elements or to the whole active diagram, if the selection is empty. Elements are sequentially placed from top left to bottom right in parallel diagonals.

Cascade layout example
Cascade layout example

Auto Layout / Smart Layout

Shortcut keys: -

Applies the smart layout to the selected elements or to the whole active diagram, if the selection is empty. Program tries to arrange elements so that the associated elements are close to each other and there are as few intersections as possible.

Smart layout example
Smart layout example

Auto Layout / Force Directed Layout

Shortcut keys: -
Version: 7.00 and higher

Applies the force directed layout to the selected elements or to the whole active diagram, if the selection is empty.

Force directed layout example
Force directed layout example

Auto Size

Shortcut keys: Alt + A

Sets the smallest possible size of the selected element(s), which is big enough to be all parts of the element visible.

Auto size applying
Auto size applying

Route Relation

Shortcut keys: Alt + R

Adjusts the path of the selected relation to not go through other elements.


Shortcut keys: -

Shows the submenu with commands, which allows you to align the selected elements in different ways.

Alignment / Left

Shortcut keys: -

Aligns the selected elements to the left border of bounds specified by selected elements.

Alignment / Right

Shortcut keys: -

Aligns the selected elements to the right border of bounds specified by selected elements.

Alignment / Top

Shortcut keys: -

Aligns the selected elements to the top border of bounds specified by selected elements.

Alignment / Bottom

Shortcut keys: -

Aligns the selected elements to the bottom border of bounds specified by selected elements.

Alignment / Center Vertically

Shortcut keys: -

Aligns the selected elements to be centered to the vertical line, which is placed in the center of the selection.

Alignment / Center Horizontally

Shortcut keys: -

Aligns the selected elements to be centered to the horizontal line, which is placed in the center of the selection.

Make Same

Shortcut keys: -

Shows the submenu with commands, which allow you easily to set the same width, height or both for all selected elements.

Make Same / Width

Shortcut keys: -

Sets the same width for all selected elements by the first element.

Make Same / Height

Shortcut keys: -

Sets the same height for all selected elements by the first element.

Make Same / Both

Shortcut keys: -

Sets the same width and height for all selected elements by the first element.


Shortcut keys: -

Shows the submenu with commands, which allows you to move the overlapped elements in the zorder.

Order / Bring To Front

Shortcut keys: -

Moves the selected element(s) to front of all elements in the current active diagram.

Order / Send To Back

Shortcut keys: -

Moves the selected element(s) to back of all elements in the current active diagram.

Order / Forward One

Shortcut keys: -

Moves the selected element(s) one step forward in the z-order.

Order / Back One

Shortcut keys: -

Moves the selected element(s) one step backward in the z-order.


Shortcut keys: -

Shows the submenu with commands for distribution (change of relative position) of the selection element(s).

Distribute / Distribute...

Shortcut keys: -

Shows Distribute dialog with all options for element distibution.

Distribute dialog
Distribute Dialog

Distribute / Horizontal Same Spaces

Shortcut keys: -

Moves the elements to make the horizontal distance between each two elements in selection same.

Distribute / Horizontal Left

Shortcut keys: -

Divides the area on so many same vertical parts how many elements are selected and places (aligns horizontally) each element on the left edge of the neareast partial area.

Distribute / Horizontal Center

Shortcut keys: -

Divides the area on so many same vertical parts how many elements are selected and centers each element horizontally to the neareast partial area.

Distribute / Horizontal Right

Shortcut keys: -

Divides the area on so many same vertical parts how many elements are selected and places (aligns horizontally) each element on the right edge of the neareast partial area.

Distribute / Vertical Same Spaces

Shortcut keys: -

Moves the elements to make the vertical distance between each two elements in selection same.

Distribute / Vertical Top

Shortcut keys: -

Divides the area on so many same horizontal parts how many elements are selected and places (aligns vertically) each element on the top edge of the neareast partial area.

Distribute / Vertical Center

Shortcut keys: -

Divides the area on so many same horizontal parts how many elements are selected and centers each element vertically to the neareast partial area.

Distribute / Vertical Bottom

Shortcut keys: -

Divides the area on so many same horizontal parts how many elements are selected and places (aligns vertically) each element on the bottom edge of the neareast partial area.


Shortcut keys: -

Shows the submenu with commands for exact moving of the selected element(s).

Move / Custom

Shortcut keys: -

Shows the Custom Move dialog, where you can set how you want to move the selected element(s). There are four fields:

  • Right – moves the selected element(s) to the right by specified number of pixels.
  • Down – moves the selected element(s) down by specified number of pixels.
  • Left – moves the selected element(s) to the left by specified number of pixels.
  • Up – moves the selected element(s) up by specified number of pixels.
Custom Move dialog
Custom Move dialog

Move / Left

Shortcut keys: -

Moves the selected element(s) to the left by 10 pixels.

Move / Right

Shortcut keys: -

Moves the selected element(s) to the right by 10 pixels.

Move / Down

Shortcut keys: -

Moves the selected element(s) down by 10 pixels.

Move / Up

Shortcut keys: -

Moves the selected element(s) up by 10 pixels.


Shortcut keys: -

Shows the submenu with commands for adjusting the size.

Size / Custom

Shortcut keys: -

Shows the Custom Size dialog, where you can set how you want to change the size of selected element(s).

Custom Size dialog
Custom Size dialog

Size / Inflate

Shortcut keys: -

Inflates the selected element(s) by 10 pixels. The width and height is increased by 10 pixels and the elements are moved so that the center remains in the same place.

Size / Deflate

Shortcut keys: -

Deflates the selected element(s) by 10 pixels. The width and height is decreased by 10 pixels and the elements are moved so that the center remains in the same place.

Size / Wider

Shortcut keys: -

Enlarges the width of the selected element(s) by 10 pixels. The elements are moved so that the center remains in the same place.

Size / Narrower

Shortcut keys: -

Reduces the width of the selected element(s) by 10 pixels. The elements are moved so that the center remains in the same place.

Size / Higher

Shortcut keys: -

Enlarges the height of the selected element(s) by 10 pixels. The elements are moved so that the center remains in the same place.

Size / Lower

Shortcut keys: -

Reduces the height of the selected element(s) by 10 pixels. The elements are moved so that the center remains in the same place.


Shortcut keys: -

Shows the submenu with commands for rotating the element.

Rotate / Rotate...

Shortcut keys: -

Shows the dialog which allows to rotate an element by specified angle or to set an exact rotation.

Rotation dialog
Rotation Dialog

Rotate / 45°

Shortcut keys: -

Rotates the selected element(s) by 45 degrees.

Rotate / 90°

Shortcut keys: -

Rotates the selected element(s) by 90 degrees.

Rotate / 135°

Shortcut keys: -

Rotates the selected element(s) by 135 degrees.

Rotate / 180°

Shortcut keys: -

Rotates the selected element(s) by 180 degrees.

Rotate / 225°

Shortcut keys: -

Rotates the selected element(s) by 225 degrees.

Rotate / 315°

Shortcut keys: -

Rotates the selected element(s) by 315 degrees.

Rotate / Reset Rotation

Shortcut keys: -

Resets rotation of the selected element(s) to the default unrotated state.

Shaping / Combine

Shortcut keys: -
Version: 7.00 and higher

Combines selected elements into single one using the XOR graphical operation. Nonoverlapping parts will be included in the new shape, overlapping parts will be excluded. Style of the first element will be used for the new result shape.

Shaping - XOR combination

Shaping / Difference

Shortcut keys: -
Version: 7.00 and higher

The front selected element will be graphically subtracted from the behind selected element. The style of the clipped shape will be preserved.

Shaping - Difference

Shaping / Intersection

Shortcut keys: -
Version: 7.00 and higher

Creates a new shape from a common overlapping part of selected shapes. Style of the first element will be used for the new result shape.

Shaping - Intersection

Shaping / Union

Shortcut keys: -
Version: 7.00 and higher

Unites selected elements into single one using the UNION graphical operation. Style of the first element will be used for the new result shape.

Shaping - Union

Lock Items

Shortcut keys: Ctrl + L

Locks/unlocks the selected element(s). Locked elements will be not able to move until you unlock them.

Group Items

Shortcut keys: Ctrl + G

Groups the selected elements into the single element.

Ungroup Items

Shortcut keys: Ctrl + U

Ungroups the selected group(s).

Other versions

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