Model (Ribbon Tab from Element Context Group)

If you select an element, another context tabs will be shown. One of these tabs is Model tab in Element context group. It allows you to adjust the model of the selected element(s).

Element Group

Element Properties – opens Element Properties dialog which allows you to set properties of the selected element.

Add Group

Attribute – adds a new attribute to the selected element. This action works only for elements which can have attributes – e.g. UML class.

Operation – adds a new operation to the selected element. This action works only for element which can have operations – e.g. UML class.

Template Parameter – adds a new template parameter to the selected element. This action works only for element which can have operations – e.g. UML class.

Stereotype – shows a submenu with stereotypes, which can be added or removed to/from the selected element. The added stereotypes are shown as checked. The menu also offers Custom Stereotype option which allows you to define and add your own stereotype.

Modifiers Group

Visibility – shows a submenu with visibility options – Private/Protected/Package/Public. The current visibility of the selected element is checked.

Abstract – turns on/off the abstract modifier on the selected element(s). Abstract element cannot be instantiated and must be inherited.

Static – turns on/off the static modifier on the selected element(s). Static element has a single instance.

Active – turns on/off the active modifier on the selected element(s).

Root – turns on/off the abstract modifier on the selected element(s). Root element is a top element in the hierarchy.

Leaf- turns on/off the leaf modifier on the selected element(s). Left element does not have any children element.

Editing Group

Adjust Names – adjust the names of the selected element(s).

  • Camel Case – removes spaces, first letter turns to lower case, and other words starts with uppercase letter. E.g. camelCase
  • Pascal Case – removes spaces, first letters of each word starts with uppercase letter. E.g. PascalCase
  • Spaced Words – adds spaces between words. E.g. SpacedWords changes to Spaced Words
  • Add Hyphens – removes spaces and adds hyphens between words. E.g. Add-Hyphens
  • Add Underscores –removes spaces and adds underscores between words. E.g. Add_Underscores
  • Invert Case – changes lowercase to uppercase and vice versa. E.g. Invert Case changes to iNVERT cASE
  • Lower Case – changes all letter to lowercase. E.g. lower case
  • Upper Case – changes all letter to uppercase. E.g. UPPER CASE
  • Capitalize First – starts each word with uppercase letter, spaces are preserved.
  • Remove Whitespaces – removes all whitespaces including lines.

Convert Element – changes the selected element to another kind. E.g. UML action to UML activity.

Replace Element Model – replaces the model of the selected diagram element with an element model from the repository. The replaced element must be of the same kind as the replacing element.

Relationship Group

Reverse Relationship – changes the direction of the selected relationship(s). If it goes from element A to element B, after performing this action, it will go from element B to element A.

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