Fast and Comfortable Diagramming
Software Ideas Modeler 10.65 improves diagram editing and fixes found bugs. Design diagrams should be even better and faster with the new version. BPMN Sub Process was added to BPMN diagram and Tree element was added to User Interface Diagram.
Tree View - New Element in User Interface Diagram
A new element was added to user interface diagram - tree. It is easily editable - you can set a tree content from indented text.

New User Interface Diagram Element - Tree
Faster and More Comfortable Editing
After inserting a class, you can easily add its attributes. Just press key Down and a new attribute will be added. If you want to return to editing the name, press key Up.

Improved Editing Using Keys
Improved Diagram Drawing with Better Snaplines
Snapline behavior was improved, especially in containers. Distance to an active element is calculated also from container borders when you move an element inside the container. Various fixes were made to user interface diagram - the snaplines will be ignored no more in this diagram.
New Features and Improvements
- Added Tree Tool (User Interface Diagram)
- Added BPMN Sub Process tool
- Line style settings is applied also on relationships created using right drag&drop [RQ#1494]
- Improved auto resolve relationship - added multiplicity
- Improved key navigation in element fields - UP key pressed during editing of first attribute navigates to name field
- Easier attribute adding - press DOWN key in name field
- Improved auto scroll to a new inserted field
- Improved element placement when adding elements using context bar
- Added support for distance snapping to container border from inside
Fixed bugs
- Fixed swapped Center Horizontally/Vertically [RQ#1493]
- Fixed missing languages in settings
- Fixed crash after confirming Options form
- Fixed setting name of relationship immediately after its creation using drag&drop of snap point [RQ#1495]
- Fixed problem with setting type size for some types (of ERD entity attribute)
- Fixed crash after redoing auto resolve relationship
- Fixed snapping of incorrect element border to snap line
- Fixed application crash for some hierarchical diagram definitions
- Fixed applying default size for user interface diagram elements
- Fixed attaching UI diagram elements to snap lines when drag&drop an element from toolbox
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