Better portable version, Spanish translation and a lot of improvements

Version 4.86 is bringing a lot of small improvements and fixes.

New Features and Improvements

+ Added Spanish translation (thanks to Delbert Friesen)
+ Added Frame element
+ Added Interaction element
+ Added Interaction Use element
+ Layers can be reordered
+ Added setting for initial state of project tree (fully expanded, expand models, expand project, collapsed)
+ Added more interaction operators into combo box in Fragment properties dialog (critical, assert, strict, seq, ignore, consider)
+ Better optimized for portable version (settings and profile are saved in the application root directory)
+ User profile is now saved into {UserPath}\AppData\Roaming\DusanRodina\SoftwareIdeasModeler (previous 'Program Files' location needed administrator rights e.g. to add custom stereotypes)
+ Full filename is appended to project name in Recent Projects list of Start Page
+ Lifeline header is automatically inflated when the content is larger
+ Added create sequence action into toolbox and enhanced the layout of sequence diagrams with create sequence actions
+ Improved drawing of activation bars

Fixed Bugs

* Fixed application crash when zooming out
* Fixed application crash when pasting relation in the specific state
* Fixed problem when the same file could be added several times to the list of recent projects
* Fixed adding of existing diagram when it has elements with internal IDs which already exist in current project
* Fixed resizing of documentation text box
* Fixed group moving of sequence actions
* Fixed remembering of paths for open and save file dialog


Download Software Ideas Modeler 4.86 (ZIP package)
Download Software Ideas Modeler 4.86 (Setup)


Ruben Vis 21 January 2011 9:49:41

Medior PHP Developer

Thanks for uploading an uncorrupted installer!

And thanks for sharing anyways!

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