Convert UML Class Diagram to ERD

UML class diagram and ER diagram share the ability to define a domain model. Software Ideas Modeler allows you to convert the classes to entities, associations to relationships and the class attributes to ERD attributes.

Software Ideas Modeler allows you to convert a UML class diagram to an entity-relationship diagram. Some aspects are specific to each diagram type, that's why it cannot be converted and they will be omitted in the converted diagram.

If you want to generate a UML class diagram from an ERD, you can do it this way:

  • Select elements in a class diagram
  • Click on the Convert Diagram button in the ribbon (Diagram tab / Editing group) and choose Entity Relationship Diagram item.
  • A new ER diagram will be created based on the class diagram definition.
Class Diagram to ERD Conversion
Class Diagram to ERD Conversion


Sristi Agrawal 24 December 2020 17:35:45

Software engineering

ER diagram

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