How to Create an Activity Diagram: A Step-by-Step Guide

This step-by-step guide demonstrates creating an authentication process a UML activity diagram in Software Ideas Modeler. From initiating a project to detailing each step of the authentication process, the tutorial covers the essentials of diagramming an authentication workflow, catering to both successful entries and handling failures.

Getting Started with a New Project

First things first, let's initiate a new project in Software Ideas Modeler. Upon launching the software, you'll find a Create New Project button in the right menu on the start page. Clicking on this button sets the stage for our new diagram. With the project space now ready, navigate to the 'Add New Diagram...' section found within the Project tab. Software Ideas Modeler offers a plethora of diagram types, but for our current purpose, select the Activity Diagram item. This choice signals the software that we're about to embark on designing a UML activity diagram specifically for an authentication process.

Laying the Foundation with Initial Node

With an empty canvas before us, it's time to start bringing our diagram to life. The initial node marks the beginning of our authentication process. You'll locate the 'Initial Node' tool button in the toolbox on the left side of the interface. Drag this button and drop it onto the diagram editor canvas. Once placed, ensure to clear the default name to maintain a streamlined start to our diagram.

Building the Process Flow

Directly below the initial node, you'll find the 'Control Flow to Action' button in the context bar. Clicking here allows us to add our first action, named 'Enter Credentials'. It's an essential step, as this action represents the user's initial interaction with the system by providing their identification details.

To structure our diagram from a top-down perspective, reposition the 'Enter Credentials' action element directly beneath the initial node. Following this, we add a decision node by clicking on the 'Control Flow to Decision' button, identifiable by its diamond shape, from the context bar. Leave the name of this node clear; this decision node will branch out based on the validity of the entered credentials.

Handling Valid and Invalid Credentials

For credentials deemed valid, introduce a Fork element from the toolbox to signify parallel processing. Connect this to our decision node using the control flow tool. It's critical at this juncture to specify the condition for successful authentication. To do this, enter 'Credentials are valid' within brackets alongside the flow leading to the fork element, signifying a guard condition that must be met for the process to advance.

Conversely, for invalid credentials, drag a Decision node from the toolbox and connect it with a control flow to the initial decision node. Set its guard as 'Credentials are invalid'.

Authentication Success Path

On the path of successful authentication, add actions such as 'Load User Settings', 'Initialize Session Data', and 'Send Login Success Notification' beneath the fork node, each connected via control flow. Subsequently, introduce a Join node, symbolizing the point where all parallel actions converge before the process can proceed. By selecting all actions and dragging the 'Connector Flow' tool from the toolbox onto the Join node, we effectively link all actions simultaneously.

Continue from the join with an action named 'Access Granted', culminating in an Activity Final Node to indicate the process's conclusion.

Authentication Failures

Returning to scenarios involving invalid credentials, the process's direction hinges on whether the user has exceeded the attempt limit. A Merge node, introduced by dragging from the toolbox and dropping it between the initial node and 'Enter Credentials' action, facilitates the flow back into the credential entry process for users within the attempt limit. Upon its incorporation, the Merge element adeptly splits the original flow into two distinct paths: one leading into the Merge element and another exiting from it. This Merge node ensures that multiple flows converge correctly into the action.

Now, with the Merge node in place, we add control flows from the Decision node that handles invalid credentials to the Merge node. It's here we specify a critical guard condition labeled 'under attempt limit'. This guard ensures that only when users have not exceeded the maximum allowed attempts will they be rerouted to re-enter their credentials.

For users beyond the attempt limit, introduce a 'Lock Account' action, connected with a connector flow and guarded by 'over attempt limit'. Following this, add decision nodes leading to 'Reset Password' or 'Contact Support', with both reconnecting to the Activity Final Node.

Complete UML Activity Diagram

Authentication Process (UML Activity Diagram)
Authentication Process (UML Activity Diagram)

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