Insert (Ribbon Tab)

Insert ribbon tab includes several actions for insertion of new contents to the active project.

Project Group

Project Group offers actions for managing project structure, which includes adding diagrams (new or existing) and folders.

Add New Diagram - Shows a New Diagram dialog where you can choose a type of the new diagram and set its name. The new diagram will be appended to the active folder.

Add Existing Diagram - Shows an open file dialog, where you select a project file, from which you want to copy existing diagram(s). Then the Add Existing Diagram dialog will be shown, where you can choose the diagrams you want to add to the current active folder of the current open project.

Add Folder - Adds a new folder to the current project.

Illustrations Group

Illustration Group allows you to insert illustrations to your diagram. These illustrations may be pictures from your disk or shapes from the built-in library.

Picture - Opens a file dialog and inserts a chosen picture to the active diagram.

Drawings - Opens a sidebar with shapes.

Diagramming Group

Diagramming Group allows you to insert special diagram elements, which includes diagram description and design patterns.

Diagram Description - Inserts a diagram description element to the active diagram. Diagram description contains basic information about the diagram, which it is placed in - name of Project, parent folder, diagram name, authors, last change date, version and description.

Design Pattern - Shows a dialog with a design pattern list. After selecting a design pattern, it inserts elements of this pattern to the active diagram.

Text Group

Text Groups allows you to insert formatted text box to a diagram and formatted text objects to an active formatted text.

Text Box - Inserts a formatted text box to the diagram.

Link - Inserts a project item link to the active formatted text on the current cursor position.

Table - Inserts a new table to the active formatted text on the current cursor position.

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