Improved Python Code Generation and Reverse Engineering, Better Layers Panel in Software Ideas Modeler 12.84

The new version supports properties and setters in Python, parsing documentation for classes from C# code, improves Layers panel, and adds support for rounded style to more elements.
Software Ideas Modeler 12.84 - ArchiMate diagram, Layers panel
Software Ideas Modeler 12.84 - ArchiMate diagram, Layers panel

New Features and Improvements

  • Added support for property and property setter to Python source generation [RQ#1660]
  • Parsing class documentation in comments to UML Class documentation from C# source code [RQ#1657]
  • Added support for rounded style to ArchiMate elements and some other UI elements (Title Panel, Track Bar)
  • Clickable visibility, lock and disabled icons in the Layers panel [RQ#1659]

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed loading project files after importing XMI with interface realization, input, output or value pin
  • Fixed adding a super actor using the context bar (a sub actor was added instead)
  • Fixed missing schema prefix for referenced table in generated foreign key script (SQL DDL)
  • Fixed saving thickness of Half Frame shape
  • Fixed undo for show, hide, enable, disable, lock and unlock diagram layer
  • Fixed application crash when selecting the Project node in diagram picker dialog
  • Fixed application crash when try to generate a hierarchical diagram without specifying a connector element


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