Move all elements below/above some position up or down

There is a tool in Software Ideas Modeler which allows you to move all elements below/above some position up or down and also move all elements on the left or right from some position to left or right.

This is useful especially in flowcharts and sequence diagrams. You can move group of activation bars (execution occurrences) down or up, or you can move a whole flow in an activity diagram.

Push Elements

  1. Choose Move tool from Common group in Toolbox
  2. Click using left mouse button on the position in a diagram from which you want to move the elements
  3. Move cursor:
    • left to move elements on the left (from the initial position) to left
    • right to move elements on the right (from the initial position) to right
    • down to move elements below the initial position down
    • up to move elements above the initial position up
Push elements using move tool (using left mouse button)
Push elements using move tool (using left mouse button)

Pull Elements

  1. Choose Move tool from Common group in Toolbox
  2. Click using right mouse button on the position in a diagram from which you want to move the elements
  3. Move cursor:
    • left to move elements on the right (from the initial position) to left
    • right to move elements on the left (from the initial position) to right
    • down to move elements above the initial position down
    • up to move elements below the initial position up
Pull elements using move tool (using right mouse button)
Pull elements using move tool (using right mouse button)

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