Tips and Tricks

Collapsing and Expanding Container Elements

Managing the visibility of complex diagrams is crucial, and the collapsible container elements feature is a powerful way to handle this. This tutorial will guide you through the process of collapsing and expanding container elements (such as UML packages) and discuss scenarios where this feature is particularly useful.

How to Copy Fields from One Class to Another using Clipboard

This tutorial will guide you through the steps to efficiently copy fields from one class to another within the same or different projects via the system clipboard.

How to Paste Elements to a Specific Position in Diagram

One of its intuitive features is the ability to copy and paste diagram elements, which can greatly speed up the process of diagram creation. However, pasting elements precisely where you want them can sometimes be a bit tricky. This short tutorial will guide you through the steps to paste elements into a specific position within your diagram.

Copying and Moving Attributes Between UML Classes

This comprehensive guide explains how to efficiently copy and move attributes between classes in Software Ideas Modeler. This capability allows you to duplicate specific attributes across multiple classes without the need for manual re-entry, thus streamlining the modeling process.

Swap Diagram Elements

Rearranging elements within your diagrams doesn't have to be a time-consuming task involving manual adjustments and reconnections. With Software Ideas Modeler, the Swap Elements feature transforms this chore into a simple and quick operation. This guide will show you how to swap elements quickly and efficiently.

Adjusting Relationship Routing in Entity-Relationship Diagrams

This tutorial will guide you through the process of adjusting the relationships in your ERD for better clarity and organization, specifically focusing on rerouting relationships for a cleaner diagram layout.

Top 10 Diagramming Tools in Software Ideas Modeler

Software Ideas Modeler stands out as a comprehensive diagramming toolset, supporting a wide array of diagram types and offering an array of tools to facilitate your work. But among these tools, which are the most useful and versatile? In this article, we delve into the top diagramming tools within Software Ideas Modeler and explore how they can assist you in creating effective and professional diagrams.

Adjusting the Size of Rounded Corners

In Software Ideas Modeler, you have the flexibility to adjust the size of rounded corners for various shapes. The elements that can be adjusted in this manner include the Rounded Rectangle, Snipped Rectangle, and Inverted Rounded Rectangle.

Fit Text to Bounds

The tutorial describes how to work with the Fit Text to Bounds style property. This feature ensures that the text content fits within the defined bounds of a diagram element.

Relationship Direction Visualization

Relationship direction visualization is a potent feature in Software Ideas Modeler that facilitates a clearer understanding of element relationships within diagrams. By using this feature, users can swiftly distinguish between incoming and outgoing relationships, thereby streamlining the analysis process.

Replace Diagram Element Model

The Replace Element Model feature enables users to replace the model of a selected element with another one from the same project. This tutorial will guide you through the process of using the Replace Element Model feature effectively. We will discuss various use cases and provide tips to ensure you get the most out of this feature.

7 Proven Tips to Define Requirements for Software Projects

In this tutorial, we share some expert tips and tricks for creating effective requirement lists using the requirement editor in Software Ideas Modeler. If you are looking for ways to streamline your requirement-gathering process and create well-structured, organized requirement lists, read further!

Effortlessly Create and Connect Multiple Elements in Software Ideas Modeler

Learn how to use the Add Multiple and Connect Multiple features in Software Ideas Modeler to quickly and efficiently create multiple elements and establish relationships between them. Perfect for creating flowcharts, state diagrams, activity diagrams and during early stage of requirement capture.

Edit Properties of Multiple Elements at Once

Software Ideas Modeler supports editing multiple elements at once. This short tutorial will show you how to do it.

Selection in Crowded Parts of Diagram

Sometimes it may be complicated to select an element you want, especially when there are nested structures or overlapping elements. It may be quite common in infographics and user interface diagrams.

SVG Diagram Export

Software Ideas Modeler allows you to export diagrams to SVG format.

UML Xor Constraint

The XOR constraint relationship connects two elements that represent two exclusive alternatives - only one of them is actually used.

Various Caption Types of User Interface Diagram Elements

UI Diagram elements support various caption types. It may be regular text, schematic lines, or schematic waves depending on how many details you want to include or which schematic style you prefer.

Encompassing Container Creation

If you want to add some existing elements to a new container without changing their position, you can use the Create Parent Container feature.

Useful Features of Diagram Editor

The diagram editor offers useful features that can help you during the diagram creation, save you mouse clicks and allows you to create the diagrams faster.

Show Wireframe in Web Browser Container

You may design a wireframe of your web application in a diagram and reference it in another diagram using the Web Browser element. The Web Browser container will emphasize the target environment - it will be clear that your wireframe represents a web application or a web page.

Delete Container Without Nested Elements

Containers are elements which may contain other elements. By default, if you delete a container its nested elements will be deleted together with it. However, Software Ideas Modeler offers an option how to delete a container without its nested content.

Delete Element with Relationships

Elements are usually connected with other elements in diagram using relationships. If you know that you will not need an element nor its connectors to other elements, you may delete them together.

Object as a Default Value (UML Diagramming)

Apart from literal values, you can set an instance as a default value of an attribute.

Move all elements below/above some position up or down

Software Ideas Modeler includes a tool that allows you to move all elements below or above a specific position up or down. Similarly, you can move all elements to the left or right of a specific position left or right.

Place Use Cases Around an Actor

If there are many elements connected to an element, you may want to place them around this element. And why not in a circle?

Insert Multiple Elements of Same Kind to Diagram

Instruction how to create multiple elements at once.

How to Convert One Element to Another

Did you make a mistake or change your mind and want to change the type of an element in a diagram to another one? It's easy with this diagramming tool.

How to Change the Default Size of an Element

Are you looking to customize the default size of classes or other elements in your diagrams? This tutorial will guide you through the simple steps to adjust element sizes to your preferences in Software Ideas Modeler, ensuring your diagrams always start just the way you like them.

Implement Interface

This tip show you how to easily implement an interface in a class.

How to Connect Multiple Elements with One Element

Software Ideas Modeler allows you easily to connect multiple elements with another element.