Bug Reports Archive (2009-2012)

Software Ideas Modeler

Bugs found in Software Ideas Modeler please report here.

23 September 2009 23:19:38

Tomas Sandkvist 7 December 2010 12:25:05

Bugs in timing diagram?

Testing the timing diagram, I'm getting error messages, this is one (entered a '1' in duration constraint:

System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Double' to type 'System.String'.

at SoftwareIdeasModeler.Dialogs.Properties.TimingEventDefinitionControl.eventsGrid_CellEdited(Object sender, CellEditedEventArgs e)

at SoftwareIdeasModeler.Controls.FastGrid.FastGrid.ConfirmEditing()

at SoftwareIdeasModeler.Controls.FastGrid.FastGrid.FastGrid_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Tomas Sandkvist 7 December 2010 12:37:29

RE: Bugs in timing diagram?

Sorry, the '1' is in the Stimulus column

Tomas Sandkvist 7 December 2010 12:43:00

RE: RE: Bugs in timing diagram?

Got the same error when I added an 'A' in the Stimulus column??

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 7 December 2010 12:40:55

RE: RE: Bugs in timing diagram?

This problem will be fixed within one or two days in the next release.

EDIT: Fixed in version 4.81.

Rajesh Roy 5 December 2010 5:48:44

Underline in Object Names in Sequence Diagram


In UML2.0 sequence diagram, underline in object name and ":" are not required. I tried to remove underline from LifeLine Name but couldn't. I tried changing Style Set of LifeLine name's font but that too did not work. If you can have this feature available in next version where underline can be added or removed from LifeLine's name would be highly appreciable. If someone wants underline then he/she can have it by choosing underline option of selected Font (as given in Style Set). Your tool is really great.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 6 December 2010 14:02:49

RE: Underline in Object Names in Sequence Diagram


thank you.

I will improve the style of lifelines in the next release.

EDIT: Improved in version 4.81.

Rajesh Roy 8 December 2010 4:09:55

RE: RE: Underline in Object Names in Sequence Dia

That's nothing but wonderful. You fixed it very soon. Truly appreciating your quick support. Thanks a lot.

Shivan 1 December 2010 16:42:58

Text cropped in image export

When I export a Sequence-Diagram with long text in a "Self Message", the text is cropped in the output.

ie: "Disable Monitoring Svc1"

In export visible: "Disable M"

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 8 December 2010 0:58:07

RE: Text cropped in image export

Fixed in version 4.81.

Shivan 13 December 2010 13:53:47

RE: RE: Text cropped in image export

Shadow on top and on left is cropped. For example when there's an activity-start element on top and a yellow note on the left border.

The element itself isn't cropped. Only the shadow. (Tested in 4.81)

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 14 December 2010 23:48:21

RE: RE: RE: Text cropped in image export

Fixed in version 4.82.

Shivan 1 December 2010 16:40:59

Directory for image export won't be saved

It would be very nice, when the directory for the export would be saved. Always when I export my diagrams as images, I have to set the export path again.

Rajesh Roy 5 December 2010 4:59:28

RE: Directory for image export won't be saved


Alternatively for exporting currently opened diagram, you can right click within diagram area and select "Export Diagram" menu. From here on it will remember last used directory path and you don't have to select directory every time you export the image.


Rajesh Roy

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 1 December 2010 16:44:08

RE: Directory for image export won't be saved

Thank you for this tip and also for the report above. Both of them will be improved in the next version.

EDIT: Improved in version 4.81.

Lasse 10 November 2010 7:53:25

StateDiagram post condition

If you in state diagram transition have no precondition, only postcondition, then the diagram shows "name " when it should show "name /". V4.71

Lasse 10 November 2010 7:58:53

RE: StateDiagram post condition

Sorry, I withdraw this. If the Operation is transition is not empty the slash is there.

Max 4 November 2010 10:45:12

Generating documentation

The Description field in generated documentation is only as wide as the header. Could that column scale to the right margin instead please.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 9 November 2010 2:17:05

RE: Generating documentation

Fixed in version 4.70.

goran 2 November 2010 21:23:41

Changes in class hierarchies are not always correctly reflected in generated source code. For example, deleted super classes will remain.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 9 November 2010 2:16:09


Fixed in version 4.70.