Hospital Management System (UML Diagrams)

The example project models a hospital management system using UML use case, class and sequence diagrams.

Hospital management systems are complex and involve various stakeholders, processes, and data flows. UML diagrams are especially helpful for these systems to visualize and design the particular modules and interactions. They help in understanding, documenting, and communicating the structure and behavior of the system.

Hospital Management System Diagrams

This article presents a comprehensive set of UML diagrams for a hospital management system, including use case, class, and sequence diagrams. Each diagram serves a specific purpose:

  • Use Case Diagram: Illustrates the interactions between actors (e.g., doctors, patients) and the system, detailing actions such as patient registration, examination, and discharge processes. You can find step by step tutorial (including video) on how to work with the use case diagram here: How to Create a Use Case Diagram: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Class Diagram: Depicts the static structure of the system, showing classes like Doctor, Patient, and Diagnosis, along with their relationships and attributes. A detailed, step-by-step tutorial (including video) on working with the class diagram is available here: How to Create a UML Class Diagram
  • Sequence Diagrams: Visualize dynamic behavior, demonstrating the sequence of interactions, such as a doctor's visit or patient examination, highlighting the communication between system components. For a comprehensive guide on how to use the sequence diagram, click here for the full tutorial (including video): How to Create a UML Sequence Diagram

These diagrams collectively provide a detailed blueprint of the hospital management system, facilitating efficient system design and implementation.

UML Use Case Diagram

The use case diagram for the hospital management system shows the actors:

  • Doctor
  • Patient

and their defined use cases:

  • Doctor
    • Visit the patient
    • Examine the patient
      • Add diagnoses
      • Prescribe drugs
      • Schedule the medical procedure
    • Discharge the patient
    • Report the patient condition
  • Patient
    • Register
    • Unregister
    • Apply for discharge
    • Confirm the medical procedure
Hospital Management System - Use Cases
Hospital Management System - Use Cases

UML Class Diagram for Hospital Management System

The class diagram depicts the classes, an association class, and enumerations that are used within the modeled hospital management system.


  • Nurse
  • Employee
  • Doctor
  • Patient
  • Technical Staff
  • Receptionist
  • Diagnosis
  • Diagnosis Type
  • Schedule
  • Schedule Time
  • Action
  • Allowed Actions
  • Specialization
  • Symptom
  • Room
  • Request Form
  • Patient History
  • Administered Drug
  • Drug

An association class:

  • Diagnosis Type Symptom


  • Occurrence
  • Patient Status
  • Action Type
  • Request Type
Hospital Management System - Core Data Model
Hospital Management System - Core Data Model

UML Class Diagram of Hospital Rooms

The diagram describes a class hierarchy of hospital rooms and other associated classes.

These classes are defined in the diagram:

Hospital Management System - Rooms
Hospital Management System - Rooms

UML Sequence Diagram of Doctor's Visit

The UML sequence diagram example shows a doctor's visit and a check of a patient.

The diagram depicts these lifelines:

  • Doctor
  • Patient
  • Hospital System

The following messages occur between the lifelines:

  • Confirm visit
  • Check schedule
  • Patient visit planned
  • Check the patient condition
  • Report patient condition
Hospital Management System - Doctor's Visit (UML Sequence Diagram)
Hospital Management System - Doctor's Visit (UML Sequence Diagram)

UML Sequence Diagram of Patient Examination

The sequence diagram shows a patient examination by a doctor.

There are these lifelines:

  • Doctor
  • Patient
  • Hospital System

The lifelines communicate with the following messages:

  • Start the examination
  • Add symptom
  • Show recommended diagnoses
  • Add the diagnosis
  • Prescribe the needed drug
  • Show found contraindications
  • Propose the medical procedure
  • Confirm the medical procedure
  • Show possible dates
  • Choose a date
  • Confirm the schedule
Hospital Management System - Patient Examination (UML Sequence Diagram)
Hospital Management System - Patient Examination (UML Sequence Diagram)

If you want to create your own class and sequence diagrams, read our tutorials on how to create a UML class diagram, use case diagram and sequence diagram.

Download UML Diagrams Project for Hospital Management System

Download the example project here:

Hospital Management System (UML Diagrams)

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