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exception thrown on CRC card

Hello, I was cheerfully adding 'responsibilities' to a CRC card, when I got an exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the si...
9 December 2014 17:15:21, Mike Goldweber, comments: 2, last comment: 9 December 2014 22:28:38

change default Line Style

Hello, How can I change the default Line Style for new relations? Thank you in advance.
8 December 2014 18:10:19, Henrik Gaßmann, comments: 1, last comment: 8 December 2014 21:38:49

resize all symbols

Is there a way to rezise the all symbols on a diagramm to the same size? For example all process symbols on a flowchart diagramm.
14 November 2014 0:20:36, Manuel Reiser, comments: 3, last comment: 18 November 2014 22:08:32

Divide a Pool into lanes (BPMN2.0)

Hi, How is it possible to divide a Pool into several lanes ? BPMN2.0 reference explaines :
12 November 2014 14:31:17, Stephen Kay, comments: 5, last comment: 1 April 2015 16:17:44

Active class diagram

Hello! Thank you for your answers. Is there an active class tool in the SIM?
25 September 2014 14:36:56, Maxim, comments: 4, last comment: 30 September 2014 14:54:05

Sequence diagram

Hello! I didn't find some frames like reference, brake. I read about them here ( And how can i draw gate on sequence diagramm? Than...
17 September 2014 7:07:12, Maxim, comments: 1, last comment: 18 September 2014 16:06:55


Hello! Why SIM don't delete backup copies after closing the project (like MS Word)?
16 September 2014 12:12:58, Maxim, comments: 1, last comment: 16 September 2014 12:43:33

Required interface

Hello! How can i add required interface on class diagramm?
16 September 2014 3:53:44, Maxim, comments: 1, last comment: 16 September 2014 12:57:09

Passing messages in sequence diagram

Hello I am using software ideas modeler V 7.61. I cannot create messages in the diagram What I did was 1) Dragged two life lines 2) Dragged execution controls for each life line 3) Then try...
6 August 2014 9:50:53, Mitchel Ryan, comments: 1, last comment: 6 August 2014 20:08:58

How to "lasso" objects inside a container?

Hello, If I click on the diagram's background and drag the mouse, I get a rectangle which lets me select multiple objects. However, if I do that inside a container (like a Swimlane), I will m...
3 August 2014 12:25:00, JKSH, comments: 2, last comment: 5 August 2014 4:07:23

Source Code Template

Is there still a source code template? If so, how do I find it? I tried creating a hot key. It disrupts the GUI but no template tool opens. Ralph
27 July 2014 18:36:45, Ralph Reinhold, comments: 1, last comment: 27 July 2014 19:46:21

Generate Documentation chrashes

In the actual version 7.46 (64bit) if I start the generation of the documentation the application stops working and gets stuck. In older versions 6.x it works. is this a known problem, as I experi...
1 July 2014 22:24:55, Markus, comments: 5, last comment: 7 July 2014 16:44:36

State Diagrams: slash showing for transition when not desired

I see no way of turning off the slash on a Transition when there is no Behavior Expression specified. I think that this is a bug. If not, please tell me how to get rid of those slashes! I'm usin...
1 June 2014 2:19:53, Adrian Kole, comments: 2, last comment: 3 June 2014 0:17:11

Class diagram: Option to show missing classes, associations

As a modeler, when I drag classes and associations from one diagram to a new diagram, I would like to be able to add/show a missing class when I select an association, and a missing association whe...
15 May 2014 15:26:25, MR, comments: 3, last comment: 15 May 2014 17:12:29

Class diagram: Arrange feature needs work

All of the auto-arrange commands produce bad arrangements, ranging from lines crossing the classes to a jumbled mess. For large class diagrams, auto-arrange is a must. After using the auto-arrang...
13 May 2014 18:50:13, MR, comments: 2, last comment: 15 May 2014 15:15:43