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Lines crossing

Hi, I am drawing an use case diagram. When lines cross, 'jumps' are shown on the intersection. How to disable or enable 'jumps' ? Thanks a lot.
3 March 2017 4:15:48, jack, comments: 2, last comment: 3 March 2017 16:28:27

10.60 doesn't start (64-bit Portable)

Hi. I'm trying v.10.60 (64bit portable). The program doesn't open (OS: windows 8.1 pro 64bit) and says: ------------------------ System.InvalidOperationException: Thread exception mode cannot ...
7 February 2017 3:57:38, Siegfried, comments: 5, last comment: 20 February 2017 11:04:21

BPMN Sub Process?

Hello, how do I create a Sub Process in a BPMN diagram? I only see Event Sub Process in the toolbar.
9 January 2017 17:17:19, Malte G., comments: 3, last comment: 10 January 2017 18:34:45

Reverse enginnering

How can I create UML diagrams from C# code ?
6 October 2016 10:30:13, Ionas, comments: 6, last comment: 30 December 2016 12:55:43

Import/export to enterprise architect

Is it possible to import or export models to other tools suchas enterprise architect?
19 August 2016 23:53:03, Graham, comments: 1, last comment: 22 August 2016 8:23:20

Reverse Engineering for Python

Hi Dusan, Thanks for a nice tool... I am currently investigating the pro version, unfortunately i don't see support for Python reverse engineering. Will this be a problem to include in a future...
3 August 2016 14:52:16, Malcolm Swart, comments: 3, last comment: 23 August 2016 12:31:38

Code generation

Hi, I am using Python code generation from a class diagram. Two questions: 1) is there any way to get the method bodies included in the generated code? at least when the declared languages (for th...
14 July 2016 17:08:32, Airy Magnien, comments: 1, last comment: 15 July 2016 11:24:27

zoom diagram

Is it possible to zoom into/out of a diagram? If so, how? The SIM 4 user guide (section 4.1.11) mentions a 'zoom' combo box on the standard toolbar, but I cannot find that feature in version 9.32.5...
9 May 2016 18:26:50, nick, comments: 1, last comment: 10 May 2016 22:02:57

Sharing Templates

We have an architect and multiple developers. How do you share the templates across installs of the product. Do you buy one Ultimate for the architect and a Professional or Standard edition for e...
12 March 2016 17:15:43, Tom, comments: 2, last comment: 13 March 2016 22:38:42

Sim 9.30-project does not open

Today I have downloaded SIM 9.30 and worked a few hours with it, without problems, but could not reopen the sim-file afterwards. I am using the 64 bit, portable version, running on Windows 10. Work...
1 March 2016 16:25:05, Leo, comments: 4, last comment: 3 March 2016 14:37:47

from v8.56 to v9.10

Hi, Please, i've got an error when reading a file which was previously saved in v8.56 with a v9.10 program (seeing next). Is there a special procedure for updating files before upgrading ? Thank...
18 February 2016 16:42:06, EURL Basilique du Rosaire, comments: 1, last comment: 19 February 2016 10:50:27

Tables in documentation

Hello! I want to get documentation with tables of attributes of every class. For every attribute i want ot have one row in table. In table i want to have columns: name, type, value,multiplicity, d...
16 December 2015 9:15:49, Maxim, comments: 2, last comment: 22 December 2015 1:53:56

Search bar

Hello! How can i hide search bar? Thank you.
14 December 2015 4:54:55, Maxim, comments: 1, last comment: 14 December 2015 12:59:56

<source-codes> did not loaded

Hi, Dusan! 9.01.5793.15162 x64 In ActivityDiagram, I have created Class1. In Class1 properties dialog I choose tab "Source code", and create 2 new languages: "1C" and "Text". For both languages...
17 November 2015 15:05:16, Gorky, comments: 1, last comment: 17 November 2015 16:54:12


Hello Dusan, is it possible to get a matrix-view with all connections and relationsships between entities in a SysML-model?
13 November 2015 15:46:13, Lennart, comments: 5, last comment: 10 December 2015 10:44:29