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Is there a resource/description page that details the differences in version 32 vs 64 bit, Standard vs Portable? Not sure which one is best suited to me (initially simple) needs.
25 May 2019 12:52:05, Banji, comments: 1, last comment: 26 May 2019 21:04:54

SQLite template and type set

Is there a template and type set available for SQLite? Or is there a manual on how to create? The type set seams not to be a problem. But the source code template looks complicated to me as a newby...
13 April 2019 17:43:16, Stefan Menten, comments: 1, last comment: 14 April 2019 22:15:28

ERD View vs Table

Hi What are your recommendations about views, since the reverse engineering function picks only the tables. Do you have some documentation on this subject (I did not started to browse your docume...
12 April 2019 10:56:53, JMC, comments: 3, last comment: 17 April 2019 8:49:07

Oracle connection

How to connect to oracle instance user with the trial version?
11 April 2019 15:16:12, JMC, comments: 4, last comment: 12 April 2019 22:22:49

how to make an Association Classes

hi i need to make an association Classes in UML but i dont find it on the sidebar here an sample of association Classes:
6 April 2019 15:38:36, fr016, comments: 2, last comment: 30 May 2019 21:19:41

Application Crash while generating SQL script

I've created ER diagrams and want to generate SQL scripts from them. Using the standard template (SQL DDL) and ticking "One file per diagram" works fine. However I want to generate from a different...
27 February 2019 8:00:47, Daniel, comments: 6, last comment: 28 February 2019 9:12:27

Server Install

I have looked all over the site for server installation instructions. Can someone please point me to the proper location? [Is there not a way to search the forum?]
6 February 2019 19:46:21, Chris Sonon, comments: 4, last comment: 6 February 2019 22:59:07

Import XMI Not Available

Version 11.93.6954.37693 Online documentation states this should be available in Professional edition ? Options > Menu > File > Import seems to suggest to should appear, but it does not
17 January 2019 16:24:45, Stewart Morris, comments: 5, last comment: 17 January 2019 21:18:18

Can't save project after modifying

Hi Dusan, I can't save my project after updating to 11.91. Here's the stack dump: SoftwareIdeasModeler.Core.CommandProcessing.CommandException: Exception during execution the command: Save --->...
3 January 2019 0:06:03, CEI, comments: 2, last comment: 3 January 2019 16:29:38

Moving Controls To Different Tabs

How do you move a control to a different tab in the UI designer so that it disappears when the tab is selected? I have some elements that disappear properly but other ones are displayed all the ti...
7 December 2018 0:05:50, CEI, comments: 1, last comment: 7 December 2018 18:01:53

Resizing Columns in GRID

In the UI designer, how do you resize the width of a column? How do you remove the final empty column? Thanks
6 December 2018 22:25:38, CEI, comments: 1, last comment: 7 December 2018 17:56:50

ERD diagram

How to hide data types in ERD diagrams
5 November 2018 15:17:56, robin, comments: 1, last comment: 5 November 2018 15:59:54

ERD diagram

I have a query regarding your software , I have connected my database and exported few views from that database and created ERD for the same. Now suppose if I have added new columns in my databas...
5 November 2018 14:01:41, Robin, comments: 1, last comment: 5 November 2018 15:58:46

Timing Diagram: Long Tick values label not visible

Hi, In timing diagram, long Tick values label not clearly visible. i'm not able to find an option to customize the label position, size. Please assist!
2 November 2018 19:18:21, asknet, comments: 1, last comment: 4 November 2018 11:39:32

Diagram Frames

Hi Dusan, I'm trying to get SysML compliant diagram frames. When I type the diagram name, it seems to go where diagram type should be. Also the model element name and the type do not show up in th...
27 October 2018 2:01:07, CEI, comments: 7, last comment: 6 November 2018 21:24:23