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Votes Subject Text State Created Closed Author
0 Package Diagrama -> Use Hi, sometimes when i choose Use command in Package Diagram app crash System.NullReferenceExcep... Solved (in 9.30) 1 February 2016 3 February 2016 Marc Details
0 Documentation Hello! There is a problem with documentation generation with tables. Tables in .rtf document are... Solved (in 9.20) 29 December 2015 19 January 2016 Maxim Details
0 Associated Diagrams Hello! In new version 'Show associated diagrams' and 'Show multiple use' not work. And you've ch... Solved 25 December 2015 29 January 2020 Maxim Details
0 Documentation generation Hello! When i generate documentation, program insert number '5' in text. And page numeration in ... Solved (in 9.15) 15 December 2015 22 December 2015 Maxim Details
0 unable to open files stored on sharepoint If I try to open (from a browser or Windows Explorer) a *.simp file which is stored on our sharep... Solved (in 11.60) 1 December 2015 15 June 2018 Felix Schmeing Details
0 Labels of contorl flow Hello! I have saved and closed project and SIM. After next opening of project i have moved labe... Solved (in 9.10) 30 November 2015 2 December 2015 Maxim Details
0 loading the project file During opening the project i had an error. How can I restore my project? [quote] System.Null... Solved (in 9.05) 13 November 2015 17 November 2015 Qual Details
0 Delete existing requirement or sub requirement from requirement diagram table System.InvalidCastException: Das Objekt des Typs "SoftwareIdeasModeler.Core.Utils.Tree`1[Software... Solved (in 9.0) 5 November 2015 10 November 2015 xSmorpheusSx Details
0 When the toolbox is docked on the right it cannot be resized. When the toolbox is docked on the right it cannot be resized. This is particularly annoying as th... Solved (in 9.0) 20 October 2015 10 November 2015 Neutrio Details
0 Basic Windows Explorer drag and drop does not work. Attempting to drag an .simp file into a running instance of SIM that has no project open does not... Solved (in 9.0) 20 October 2015 10 November 2015 Neutrino Details
0 Menu View A error occurs when i select this option: menu View > Sidebars > Database. Details: System.N... Solved (in 9.0) 9 September 2015 10 November 2015 amfontes Details
0 Tools -> Dokumentation Is there any posibility to format the output structur of the documentation, generated automatical... Solved 10 August 2015 12 August 2015 Produ-X communication Ltd. Details
0 Sequence Diagram bugs Create message and delete message not work. Lifeline fixed in the same position. Solved (in 8.55) 8 July 2015 10 July 2015 Hueyan Chen Details
0 Requirements Diagram Hello, When I modify an item in the requirements table (e.g. description) this modification is n... Solved (in 8.55) 4 July 2015 10 July 2015 Patrick FAURE Details
0 Diagrams in documentation Hello! In rtf documentation diagrams have cutted labels with conditions of control flow. This ha... Solved (in 8.50) 24 June 2015 30 June 2015 Maxim Details
0 ERD: The height of entity boxes should adjust to its content When adding a new entity to the diagramm. It is very big, although it has no attributes, yet. So ... Solved (in 8.50) 19 June 2015 30 June 2015 Christian Details
0 Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V does not work In many case, keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) does not work. Copying in context menu with mou... Solved (in 8.45) 21 May 2015 10 June 2015 Jake Park Details
0 32-bit Setup Hello, could you pls replace the current ZIP with the expected EXE? Thanks in advance. Best rega... Solved 13 May 2015 13 May 2015 pyb Details
0 bpmn icons label missing Dear, Several icons like "event" and "gateway" accept a text field. they resize as if the text ... Solved (in 8.40) 12 May 2015 25 May 2015 Werner VH Details
0 crash after copy paste of diagram Hello, I designed a use case diagram and do copy paste as PasteCopy of this diagram. Results is ... Solved (in 8.35) 7 May 2015 12 May 2015 Laurent W. Details