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Votes Subject Text State Created Closed Author
0 Errors importing C# solution Several errors and useless output when importing a C# solution: 1 - Attributes/methods marked ... Partially Solved 11 November 2019 Guilherme Vaccaro Details
0 Error when expanding ribbon SoftwareIdeasModeler.Core.CommandProcessing.CommandException: Exception during execution the comm... Solved (in 12.16) 8 November 2019 29 January 2020 Guilherme Vaccaro Details
0 reverse engineering Java code incomplete Hello, the following code does not generate the last 2 attributes et methode: do not pay atte... Solved (in 11.100) 30 September 2019 7 October 2019 fr016 Details
0 C# Interface Source Code Generation When adding attributes to an interface, I would like to set the accessibility of the attributes ... Solved (in 11.99) 12 July 2019 20 August 2019 Sim18 Details
0 Versioning - Model Version Manager - Element Browser After [b]pressing show elements[/b] in [b]Model Version Manager[/b] Clicking the drop-down men... Solved (in 12.02) 2 June 2019 22 December 2019 Sim18 Details
0 Use Case text disappears When renaming a use case the text within the Use Case tab of the element properties is sometimes ... Solved (in 12.16) 30 May 2019 29 January 2020 Stef Patten Details
0 Tagged Values reference problem Adding a tagged value with a reference to a diagram then clicking on the tag causes an error [... Solved (in 11.98) 28 May 2019 29 May 2019 Sim18 Details
0 選擇免費功能有問題 System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): 沒有任何應用程式與此操作的指定檔案有關聯。 於 System.Diagnostics... Solved (in 11.98) 17 May 2019 29 May 2019 更改版本出現狀況 Details
0 syntax error in C# Accessor generation hi currently accessors generate in C # are for example for "name" attribute: public string... Solved 22 April 2019 9 May 2019 fr016 Details
0 Crash when editing a label on a data flow in a sub-diagram System.Xml.XmlException: '.', valeur hexadécimale 0x00, est un caractère non valide. Ligne 1, pos... Solved 19 April 2019 20 August 2019 jmt Details
0 Cannot move or delete diagrams in the hierarchy Diagrams and elements cannot be moved or deleted in the hierarchy view. Confirmed 16 April 2019 CEI Details
0 Cannot Create Ports on SysML Cannot place ports on SYSML block definition diagram. The ports won't stick to the blocks. Solved (in 11.98) 16 April 2019 29 May 2019 CEI Details
0 source code generation:option generate getter/setter and constructor a properly defined class requires at least one constructor, and usually a gettor and setter by at... Solved (in 12) 8 April 2019 29 January 2020 fr016 Details
0 error in the resource :Restaurant Orders (UML Class Diagram) in the diagram example proposed here: https://www.softwareideas.net/Download/710/Restaurant-Orde... Confirmed 4 April 2019 fr016 Details
0 XML Exception at startup I had installed Software Ideas Modeller (SIM) version 11.40 for Win 64 bit, licensed it and it wo... New 19 March 2019 Bernhard Moser Details
0 I need to ask. In the Class diagram. I need to ask. In the Class diagram. The following nine diagrams are indicated. What is Represe... Solved 19 March 2019 19 March 2019 FU CHI CHUANG Details
0 ER Diagram Bug Place two entities in the diagram, Click on the attachment handle of one, drag the red line to at... Solved (in 11.96) 11 March 2019 12 March 2019 Buks van Ellewee Details
0 CRLF or LF makes difference in Reverse Engineering Not sure whether this is a bug or not. When I reverse engineer code(C++), it seems that the actua... Solved (in 11.94) 18 January 2019 21 January 2019 Nico Verduin Details
0 IsUnique not available in C++ templates I am trying to substitue the unique flag of an c++ class operation so that it puts "explicit" in ... Solved (in 11.94) 16 January 2019 21 January 2019 Nico Verduin Details
0 Crash while opening project I get the following crash when I try to open my project with v11.92: System.NullReferenceExcep... Solved (in 11.93) 7 January 2019 15 January 2019 CEI Details