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Votes Subject Text State Created Closed Author
0 sequence diagram usability Sequence diagram are now pretty good but there are still some usability issues - it is not possi... Solved (in 5.05) 29 February 2012 6 March 2012 olivier Details
0 interaction operand problem It is currently impossible to add an interaction operand to a fragment in sequence diagram Solved (in 5.05) 29 February 2012 6 March 2012 olivier Details
0 copy-paste elements Select a class, an object, an association ... then press CTRL+C : a serializationexception is rai... Solved (in 5.05) 28 February 2012 6 March 2012 olivier Details
0 Classifiers in object diagrams Thank you for fixing the bug on the sequence diagram. I just found the exact same problem on obje... Solved (in 5.04) 24 February 2012 26 February 2012 André Deen Details
0 Classifiers In a sequence diagram time lines are loosing their classifiers. This should give you a clear pict... Solved (in 5.04) 23 February 2012 26 February 2012 A. Deen Details
0 Forum - Referer If you have HTTP referer turned off, the reports in the forum won't be added. Instead you will ge... Solved 22 February 2012 23 February 2012 Theodoor Details
0 Class diagram: template parameter When I try to save a class diagram containing a class with a template parameter, the program alwa... Solved (in 5.03) 19 February 2012 19 February 2012 aut1st1c Details
0 XMI export of project with disconnected relations crashes Project created in version 4.104, because in version 5.01 I can`t choose class for object in obje... Solved (in 5.03) 19 February 2012 19 February 2012 Timur Details
0 Tool->Option->Ok = Crash Tool->Option->Ok = Crash even if no changes has been done. Solved (in 5.03) 19 February 2012 19 February 2012 Jesper Details
0 Bug in sequence diagrams It seems there are somes bugs with nested fragment that have an interaction operand : interaction... Solved (in 5.03) 19 February 2012 19 February 2012 Olivier Details