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Votes Subject Text State Created Closed Author
0 Enforcement of inconsistent formatting. When editing an attribute in a class diagram, when you click away from the class to commit the ed... Solved (in 6.70) 16 January 2014 19 January 2014 Neutrino Details
0 Editing class operations does not work. Create a new class. Select it and click 'Add Operation' from the onsceen shortcut menu. The ope... Solved 16 January 2014 20 January 2014 Neutrino Details
0 Error when typing colons for names of objects Hello, When I create a new lifeline and type the name starting with the colon (:), the app cra... Solved (in 6.70) 3 January 2014 19 January 2014 HaLH Details
0 sequence number not displayed in communication diagramm Hello Dusan, thank you for implementing most of my requests in 6.60. Great job! I've got a ... Solved (in 6.70) 19 December 2013 19 January 2014 Mathias Raacke Details
0 wrong element order when copying diagram Sometimes when we use "Diagram > Copy > Copy as Bitmap" or "Edit > Copy Special > Copy as Bitmap"... Solved (in 6.60) 3 December 2013 19 December 2013 Mathias Raacke Details
0 Editing Type Sets is buggy When editing a type set entry (Menu: Tools -> Lists -> Types...) the cursor disappears from the I... Solved (in 6.60) 2 December 2013 19 December 2013 Sascha Details
0 package diagram: association line ends at wrong position Create two packages, A and B. Place B directly below A. Create an association (import, merge or... Solved (in 6.60) 18 November 2013 19 December 2013 Mathias Raacke Details
0 required interfaces cannot be added to a component without providing an implementation When I add a required interface to a component, I always have to connect it to an existing target... Solved (in 6.60) 15 November 2013 19 December 2013 Mathias Raacke Details
0 cannot move component diagram interface caption When I add an interface to a component diagram, I cannot move the name / caption text of the inte... Solved (in 6.60) 15 November 2013 19 December 2013 Mathias Raacke Details
0 Vertically center name of components I would like to be able to have components vertically align their name in the center instead of a... Solved (in 6.52) 14 October 2013 4 November 2013 Mathias Details
0 Component text renders above icon When I have a component with a name that is too wide for the component, the text is rendered abov... Solved (in 6.52) 14 October 2013 4 November 2013 Mathias Details
0 Lost diagram used 5.61 updated to 6.51 (by means of delete and download new) opened old project (except chan... Solved (in 6.52) 11 October 2013 4 November 2013 chmirko Details
0 Dragging/copying between projects.... ...resulted in SEVEN diagrams totally ruined!!!! I don't really know what happened, but at fir... Solved (in 6.52) 8 October 2013 4 November 2013 Tomas Sandkvist Details
0 lost actors? Ehhh, I seem to have lost some actors from a usecase... can't imagine I did it my self... I notic... Solved (in 6.52) 25 September 2013 4 November 2013 Otto Details
0 error on copy In some diagram I selected all (ctrl-a) and tried to copy it (Ctrl-c). I then got the followin... Solved (in 6.51) 25 September 2013 25 September 2013 Otto Details
0 Cannot move ports on properties enclosed by a frame (SysML ibd diagram) If I move a port on a property element enclosed by a frame, the port jumps to the frame and canno... Solved (in 6.52) 17 September 2013 4 November 2013 Tomas Sandkvist Details
0 Cannot add ports on property enclosed in frame (SysML ibd diagram) If I draw a frame surrounding some properties, any port element I drag to the property element au... Solved (in 6.51) 13 September 2013 15 September 2013 Tomas Sandkvist Details
0 Error when copying elements When I copy certain elements in certain diagrams a dialog is displayed containing an error messag... Solved (in 6.51) 12 September 2013 15 September 2013 Tomas Sandkvist Details
0 SysML block diagram Start/end roles reversed It appears as if the start/end roles of associations have been reversed in respect to previous ve... Solved 10 September 2013 10 September 2013 Tomas Sandkvist Details
0 collapse setting in project tree Or i do something wrong or collapse setting don't work at all. SIM expanded everything inspite of... Solved (in 6.51) 6 September 2013 15 September 2013 SplinterX Details