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Votes Subject Text State Created Closed Author
0 Running two instances of software ideas modeler Running two instances of software ideas modeler (e.g. after opening two projects to allow switchi... Solved (in 11.30) 4 October 2017 25 October 2017 Bavarian Kid Details
0 PDF Export of diagrams ignores page size I want to export a diagram as pdf file. The diagram has a page size of A3. But the export generat... Solved (in 11.20) 26 August 2017 29 August 2017 xSmorpheusSx Details
0 Error after switching diagrams Received the following error after switching between diagrams. Newly opened diagram contained an ... Solved (in 11.20) 23 August 2017 29 August 2017 Bavarian Kid Details
0 Exported Image only Shows Control flow(Arrows) and not Full diagram I have downloaded latest version of Software Ideas Modeler but It is not exporting a large diagra... Cannot Reproduce 19 August 2017 22 December 2019 SkillsGiant Details
0 Saving Brainstorming Sessions "Save" button for brainstorming sessions dissapears after first use. In case you decide to add ad... Solved (in 11.17) 18 August 2017 23 August 2017 Bavarian Kid Details
0 Trial error message Exiting Software Ideas Modeler in Trial Mode (Ultimate selected) triggers always error [code]S... Solved (in 11.17) 18 August 2017 23 August 2017 Bavarian Kid Details
0 Formats for Documentation I cannot found any information on how I format the documentation other that the default template.... Confirmed 16 August 2017 Stefan Menten Details
0 crash with reverse engineering C++ code I tried reverse engineering an Arduino library (c++). Some work, but the LiquidCrystal_I2C crashe... Solved (in 11.16) 15 August 2017 15 August 2017 Nico Verduin Details
0 Version 11.15 cannot create project I downloaded the portable Windows 64 bit version 11.5 And I get the following error when I create... Solved (in 11.16) 15 August 2017 15 August 2017 Nico Verduin Details
0 project file broken after saving I am using 64bit V11.10.6429.13822 and trying to learn how to generate C# code from a state masch... Solved (in 11.15) 12 August 2017 15 August 2017 behr GmbH Details
0 ctrl+c, ctrl+v bug ctrl+c & ctrl+v only works on default objects. After changing background and border color, ctrl+... Solved (in 11.15) 11 August 2017 15 August 2017 Bavarian Kid Details
0 Reverse Engineering C++ not fixed I installed 11.10, the bodies of the events within a class are still empty while there is source ... Solved (in 11.15) 9 August 2017 15 August 2017 Nico Verduin Details
0 Rectangular connection between linked elements sometimes gets straight after closing the project Hi. After closing a project, the rectangular lines between linked elements get straight. It looks... Solved (in 11.20) 5 August 2017 30 August 2017 André Barthel Details
0 Adding a new layer results in following exception message SoftwareIdeasModeler.Core.CommandProcessing.CommandException: Exception during execution the comm... Solved (in 11.10) 3 August 2017 8 August 2017 André Barthel Details
0 Reverse engineer Access DB I tried to reverse engineer an access database. First problem was that no editor for the connecti... Solved (in 10.68) 24 March 2017 26 April 2017 Stefan Menten Details
0 Display double distance number between diagrams screenshot followed: [url]http://i.imgur.com/TzPPTgc.png[/url] Solved (in 10.68) 17 March 2017 26 April 2017 johnny Details
3 Broken project Just opened my project to see some of my diagrams' elements are missing, even in the .simp and .s... Solved (in 10.67) 3 March 2017 6 March 2017 Olivier Defaux Details
0 Element References list not updated When an element is referenced in multiple diagrams, that element has an [i]Element References[/i]... Solved (in 10.67) 21 February 2017 6 March 2017 Zoltan Megyesi Details
1 Renaming of new connections issue "The new version allows you to connect elements dragging their snap points from one element to an... Solved (in 10.65) 10 January 2017 17 January 2017 Malte G. Details
1 Alignment Center Horizontally/Vertically Hello Dusan, in the diagram editor the actions triggered by the buttons Alignment > Center Hori... Solved (in 10.65) 9 January 2017 17 January 2017 Malte G. Details