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Votes Subject Text State Created Closed Author
0 Static fields Class diagram Right clicked menu -> methods cannot be set as static (in diagram properties can ... Solved (in 7.50) 24 June 2014 7 July 2014 chmirko Details
0 Printer discover When there are no printers installed on system, SIM crashes on startup. Solved (in 7.46) 19 June 2014 19 June 2014 Mykhaylo Skrypkin Details
0 Printing I think in version 7.3 there is a printing bug. When I print, no matter on what type of printer n... Solved (in 7.31) 30 May 2014 3 June 2014 Theo Kamphuis Details
0 XML Error Hello, When I open a SIMP 6 project file (protected with password) with SIMP 7, it gives an er... Solved (in 7.31) 22 May 2014 3 June 2014 Maarten B Details
0 Relationships not sync'ed across diagrams 1. Create a diagram with Elm descending from Tree. 2. Create another diagram and drag both Elm... Solved (in 7.30) 15 May 2014 27 May 2014 Minnow Details
0 PL translation Hi You've got some typos and mistakes in your PL translation (e.g. the info about file being ope... Solved 12 May 2014 29 January 2020 jo_gurt Details
0 Exception loading project System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. at System.Collect... Solved (in 7.21) 9 May 2014 11 May 2014 TG Details
0 Templates > Source Code (using TaggedValues) I'm trying to access a specific class element tagged value. Have tried the following but didn'... Confirmed 8 May 2014 SJ Details
0 Exception line points Exception while removing a point who just appeared on the side of a action in a activity diagram.... Solved (in 7.20) 29 April 2014 4 May 2014 TG Details
0 Exception tagged values System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Softw... Solved (in 7.01) 15 April 2014 21 April 2014 TG Details
0 Exception canvas System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Softw... Solved (in 7.01) 15 April 2014 21 April 2014 TG Details
0 Exception existing diagrams System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Softw... Solved (in 7.01) 15 April 2014 21 April 2014 TG Details
0 Exception TODO System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Softw... Solved (in 7.01) 15 April 2014 21 April 2014 TG Details
0 Exception new diagram System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Syste... Solved (in 7.01) 15 April 2014 21 April 2014 TG Details
0 Exception canvas System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Softw... Solved (in 7.01) 15 April 2014 21 April 2014 TG Details
0 net framework 3.5 Can't install for the Windows 8.1 OS due to net framework 3.5 failure. Any plans to udate for net... Solved (in 7.00) 12 April 2014 14 April 2014 denkir Details
0 state transition label displays as "/" if empty In a state diagram, if I do not enter a text for a transition, its label displays as "/". If ... Solved (in 6.86) 25 February 2014 3 March 2014 Mathias Raacke Details
0 Array types have extra * If I create an attribute of type Whatever[] it is displayed as Whatever[*]. Rejected 21 January 2014 2 July 2014 Neutrino Details
0 Enforcement of inconsistent formatting. When editing an attribute in a class diagram, when you click away from the class to commit the ed... Solved (in 6.70) 16 January 2014 19 January 2014 Neutrino Details
0 Editing class operations does not work. Create a new class. Select it and click 'Add Operation' from the onsceen shortcut menu. The ope... Solved 16 January 2014 20 January 2014 Neutrino Details