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0 Failure during startup Always during the startup the following message appears (see below). After that is is not possibl... Solved (in 11.53) 22 February 2018 23 April 2018 Frithjof Hoppe Details
0 PDF Export cuts off the top of diagram frame Exporting a PDF from a BDD diagram with a frame, causes the top the diagram to be cut off in the ... Solved (in 11.55) 21 February 2018 10 May 2018 Ali Ghorashi Details
0 SysML Diagrams Frames missing information There is no way to specify the Element name and Element type in SysML frame headers. Here's the d... Solved (in 11.50) 20 February 2018 22 February 2018 Ali Ghorashi Details
0 Not able to add Multiplicity to Instance Specification in SysML IBD There is no way to specify instance multiplicity in the SysML IBD diagram like. There are two way... Solved (in 11.50) 20 February 2018 22 February 2018 Ali Ghorashi Details
0 Flow Port Directions not Restored Flow port directions always revert to "Default" even though they were saved as in/out/inout. Solved (in 11.50) 19 February 2018 22 February 2018 Ali Ghorashi Details
0 SysML Frames missing All the SysML diagrams (package, activity, etc) should have a frame added to their pallet. See se... Solved (in 11.50) 19 February 2018 22 February 2018 Ali Ghorashi Details
0 Shortcut Numbers malformed Sometimes, the quick place shortcut numbers are malformed to the point they are not legible. For ... Solved (in 11.50) 14 February 2018 22 February 2018 Ali Ghorashi Details
0 Name Style Not Saved with Document When the Format->"Name Style" of an element is changed from default (Parent:Name) to "Local Name"... Solved (in 11.50) 14 February 2018 22 February 2018 Ali Ghorashi Details
0 64-11-45 does not run out of nowhere 64-11-45 stopped running. it would open the initial stick figure and then poof - d... Cannot Reproduce 12 February 2018 22 December 2019 Leon Carson Details
0 Server && Client Build version Hello, i download latest version of server and client. while connecting to server a i got the err... Solved (in 11.50) 12 February 2018 22 February 2018 Evgeniy Details
0 Text wrapping at the end of line in sidebar documentation When opening an diagram with written documentation in the sidebar, the text wrapping at the end o... Solved (in 11.50) 8 February 2018 22 February 2018 Alexander Batka Details
0 "Show Parts" has to be clicked twice After placing a port on a SYSML Internal block diagram, you have to select Show Parts->Name twice... Solved (in 11.50) 29 January 2018 22 February 2018 Ali Ghorashi Details
0 Generate source code Hi, when I try use in class diagram association relationship. When I generate source code it d... Solved 14 January 2018 31 October 2018 Jozef Franc Details
0 Flagged by MS Defender Installer for latest x64 version is flagged by MS Defender as containing Win32/Spursint.F!cl troj... Solved 23 December 2017 2 January 2018 Vadym Kudley Details
0 Export a class as C# code When I try to export some classes to C# code, I get the errors mentioned below. Exporting to Delp... Solved (in 11.45) 21 December 2017 2 January 2018 Stefan Menten Details
0 Error while loading password protected project Program throws error while loading project protected with password. Error message: System.Xml... Solved (in 11.45) 15 December 2017 2 January 2018 Milan H. Details
0 Element Connector Copy/Paste -When you copy a connector of any kind in the program, and paste it, and then copy another elemen... Solved (in 11.45) 8 December 2017 2 January 2018 Graham Ermter Details
0 Element Renaming & Tab Renaming -In state machine diagram, if you delete the name in most elements it will also delete the text b... Solved (in 11.45) 8 December 2017 2 January 2018 Graham Ermter Details
0 Menu font is huge Font size for menu item and subitems (except File menu) is huge - about 3 times bigger that text ... Solved (in 11.30) 24 October 2017 25 October 2017 Orlov Vladimir Details
0 Text is initially left aligned but property is set to centered If i draw a rectangle and add some text, the text is initially left aligned. But in property dia... Solved (in 11.41) 7 October 2017 24 November 2017 André Barthel Details