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Votes Subject Text State Created Closed Author
0 static keyword automaticly selected hi, I try to create an interface in cpp like the following: create class with <<interface>> str... Solved (in 13.50) 28 June 2022 19 July 2022 sami Details
0 namespaces c++ header files generation good day, thank you for fixing the first issue. now the keyword namespace can be seen. but still... Solved (in 13.50) 28 June 2022 19 July 2022 sami Details
0 interfaces in cpp hi, problem when generatiing code for interfaces and their implementations. if i use <<interfac... Solved (in 13.50) 28 June 2022 19 July 2022 sami Details
0 search in bugs and suggestions hi, it will be usefull to search bugs and suggestions for keywords without navigating all pages... Solved 24 June 2022 24 June 2022 sami Details
0 pure virtual cpp hi, i cant specify a pure virtual method inside abstract class in class diagram. class Interfac... Solved (in 13.45) 24 June 2022 27 June 2022 sami Details
0 class diagramm cpp pointers, references, arrays hi, I can't find the type modifier pointer (*), reference (&) or array ([]) inside class diagram... Solved (in 13.50) 24 June 2022 19 July 2022 sami Details
0 namespaces hi i want to declare a namespace in cpp using using a package or a frame. i tried but only c# ge... Solved (in 13.45) 22 June 2022 27 June 2022 sami Details
0 Control flow lines are not hidden in when collapsing an activity diagram When collapsing an Activity Diagram, the detailed contents are hidden in an activity icon. Howeve... Solved (in 13.30) 2 April 2022 21 April 2022 Peter Lin Details
0 Attribute/operation reverts to private visibility whenever name is changed Using version 3.26. Whenever I change the name of an operation or attribute of a class, its visib... Solved (in 13.30) 31 March 2022 21 April 2022 Ryan Sailor Details
0 Requirement Diagram - numbering and remove Automatic numberings get row number in wrong way. I have: 1. ... 2. ... 2.3 ... 2.4 ... ... Solved (in 13.20) 19 February 2022 8 March 2022 Tomas Havetta Details
0 documents disappaer When I create a document in a model and drag it in the project model outside the model the docume... Solved (in 13.15) 9 February 2022 15 February 2022 Maarten de Ruiter Details
0 Properties rows empty after reopening Custom Element Definition When I add a property in the Custom Element Definition, the row in the list is filled: https://i... Solved (in 13.10) 14 January 2022 27 January 2022 Kulagin Details
0 Crash when trying to open document A document I been creating over the last few days, Some mornings I open Document and get the Foll... Solved (in 13.06) 29 December 2021 30 December 2021 Patrick Gartner Details
0 class hierarchy Hi. There is a class on the class diagram. The super class of this class is in another class dia... Solved (in 13.45) 26 December 2021 27 June 2022 Alexandr Atagyan Details
0 Program crash adding required interface I have a program crash (it closes) when adding a required interface to a component in a component... Solved (in 13.05) 14 December 2021 15 December 2021 Anna Faus Details
0 Crash on launch after switching edition – Windows 11, UTF-8 Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Scre... Solved (in 12.96) 28 September 2021 30 September 2021 ParadoxV5 Details
0 Crash on launch – Windows 11, UTF-8 Error: System.ArgumentException: The surrogate pair (0xD835, 0x26E5) is invalid. Screenshots ... Solved (in 12.96) 28 September 2021 30 September 2021 ParadoxV5 Details
0 Null Reference Exception Opening Project I have a project file that Software Ideas Modeler can't open anymore. "An error occured while... Solved (in 12.95) 10 August 2021 19 August 2021 Danny Details
0 Update displayed position and size when using up/down control Hello modeler team, when the user wants to move an uml object via the up/down control in the ... Solved (in 13.00) 6 June 2021 6 October 2021 Maximilian Details
0 OSX / Mono Framework is not working 2021 Hello, I just tried to run the SIM product on OSX using the latest version of Mono as of 4/1/2021... New 5 April 2021 Gary Klesczewski Details