Software Ideas Modeler News - Software Modeling and Diagramming Tool

Drawing Perpendicular Connectors - Software Ideas Modeler 12.90

The new version supports drawing perpendicular connectors when holding SHIFT during their drawing. Several found bugs were fixed.

Improved Diagramming and Overall Stability - Software Ideas Modeler 12.89

The new Software Ideas Modeler 12.89 fixes several found bugs.

Drag & Drop Diagramming Options Improved - Software Ideas Modeler 12.88

The new version improves drag&drop options in the diagram editor and fixes multiple issues in the desktop application as well as in Software Ideas Server.

Improved Documentation Generation - Software Ideas Modeler 12.87

The new Software Ideas Modeler improves the default documentation template. It supports the requirements table and tagged values for diagrams, elements, and operations. The new version also improves general diagramming and application stability.

SQLite and General SQL DDL Script Generation, Improved Python Source Code Generation in Version 12.86

The new version 12.86 of Software Ideas Modeler enhances source code generation options for SQL and Python. It also brings some other small improvements and fixes.

Software Ideas Modeler 12.85 - Hot Fix

The new Software Ideas Modeler 12.85 fixes reported issues.

Improved Python Code Generation and Reverse Engineering, Better Layers Panel in Software Ideas Modeler 12.84

The new version supports properties and setters in Python, parsing documentation for classes from C# code, improves Layers panel, and adds support for rounded style to more elements.

Software Ideas Modeler 12.83 - Improved Stability

The new version of Software Ideas Modeler fixes the found bugs.

Software Ideas Modeler 12.82 - Improved C++ Source Code Parser

The new version improves C++ code reverse engineering to diagram and it fixes some other found issues.

Software Ideas Modeler 12.81 - Database Import Timeout Setting and Fixes

The new version of Software Ideas Modeler brings a timeout setting for the database import, and it fixes the problems with the trial and full license validation when it may be considered expired even when it is not.

Software Ideas Modeler 12.80 - Improved Diagramming and JavaScript + JS Doc Generation

The new version includes a new JavaScript code template with JS Doc support. IDEF1X Entity-relationship diagram supports dependant entities now. There are small improvements in relationship end locking and UML diagram rendering.

Software Ideas Modeler 12.79 - Improved Stability

The new Software Ideas Modeler further improves stability through several fixes. This release corrects nine issues and brings two minor improvements.

Default Element Visibility and UML Classifier Style - Software Ideas Modeler 12.78

The new version of Software Ideas Modeler brings useful improvements - you can show actors and other UML elements using classifier style. A new setting for default element (e.g. class) visibility.

Improved C# Source Code Parsing and Generation and Fixes - Software Ideas Modeler 12.77

The new version 12.77 adds support for C# async methods and fixes found bugs.

Improved Diagramming Experience and Stability - Software Ideas Modeler 12.76

The new version fixes six bugs.

Better Hierarchical Diagram Generation, Chen ERD Editor, and Souce Code Generation for C# - Software Ideas Modeler 12.75

The new Software Ideas Modeler 12.75 adds more options for hierarchical diagram generation, extends C# source code generator with other elements, and improves Chen ER diagram editor. General diagramming options were also enhanced - especially right-drag context menu behavior.

Improved ERD Editor, Element Browser and UML Communication Diagram in v.12.73

Software Ideas Modeler 12.73 further improves work with relationships and diagram editor. It brings useful features to ERD editor, Element Browser, and enhances the UML Communication Diagram and BPMN Diagrams.

Enhanced Diagram Editor and BPMN Diagramming in Version 12.72

The new Software Ideas Modeler improves several diagramming actions and makes the diagram creation a little bit more comfortable than in previous versions. The new version of the diagram editor also brings other improvements to BPMN diagrams and various fixes.

Generate JSON Schema from Diagram, Better C# and Java Source Code Generation

Software Ideas Modeler 12.71 adds new source code generation options - you can generate JSON schema from UML class diagrams. C# and Java source code generation templates support more language features. The routing of rectangular relationships was slightly improved.

Refined Diagram Editor, Flowchart Additions and New Diagramming Features

The diagramming tool Software Ideas Modeler brings a generous amount of improvements in version 12.70. The flowchart maker supports swimlanes and a new symbol - sequential access. There are new general diagramming improvements - new selection options and new layout options. Now, you can display tagged values for attributes and operations in your diagrams.